Cleaning up Los Angeles wearing hazmat suits – IOTW Report

Cleaning up Los Angeles wearing hazmat suits

Rebel: Earlier this month, conservative activist Scott Presler took an envoy to Baltimore to do some hands-on clean up in the liberal-run city, after President Trump tweeted about that the Democratic city was “rat-infested.”

This weekend, Presler took his clean-up tour on the road and landed in Southern California. With the homelessness, filth and disease problem reaching biblical proportions here he easily recruited hundreds of Angelenos to aid in the effort to clean up their community. read more

12 Comments on Cleaning up Los Angeles wearing hazmat suits

  1. @Answerman — Why should the rest of the country — through our funding of the EPA — have to clean up a state that leads the charge against POTUS Trump’s admin for being anti-clean air and water, for being anti-environment, when they are the ones who write the laws that allow for this terrible situation?

    Not a single public official in El Ay helped or even showed up to thank the volunteers. Presler toted up the costs to remove about 90 tons of filth in one day and it came to about $2,100.00 for the rental of a bobcat, dumpsters, hazmat gear, food and water. That’s it! No one took a dime in pay for doing the work. Can’t imagine what it would have cost if paid city union workers would have been involved! Probably 20 times that amount and not done as quickly or thoroughly, and someone would have filed a lawsuit, citing exposure to hazardous waste. And, of course, it wouldn’t have been done until 2022 because of the studies, the environmental lawsuits and all the rest.

    The answer, apparently, is not the government.

  2. @AA.
    I don’t like having to pay for it either, but eliminating risks to health and environment is what the EPA does. There might be a mechanism in place for recovering the cost. I hope so, but I haven’t looked and don’t know. Also, I’ve never heard of a case where the EPA compensated the land managers for clean-up. Again, I don’t know. It’s not the only solution, just 1 solution.

  3. I know people who turn off the outside air and set the controls on their vehicle’s climate control to recirculate when they just pass through Seattle on I-5. Whenever the left achieves critical mass filth and communicable disease are certain to follow shortly thereafter.

  4. @Perry — I think that’s the whole point of citizens doing it themselves. If we wait for gov’t to start implementing their policies to respond to this we’ll be waiting a long time. Plus, anytime there is a fund, a grant, a law that provides for hiring gov’t employees to do anything, everyone involved at the top siphons off the money into their own accounts and the accounts of all their family and friends. It happens every single time.

    The long term fix is for you and me and our neighbors to be personally involved in making sure gov’t isn’t making bad laws, ineffective laws and stealing our money and not doing anything about these real problems. I’m sick that I don’t feel safe in my own city anymore and I don’t go to places I should be able to safely go to in it. I’m sick of having my real estate taxes increased year over year to pay for programs for the homeless that do nothing to solve the long-term problem, while gov’t officials vote themselves pay raises and give themselves awards for doing nothing and worse than nothing.

  5. @Answerman — I don’t disagree with you. There are grave risks to people cleaning up what amounts to a waste dump. Geoff C. was telling me the other day how a police officer were exposed to PCBs in a homeless camp in the SODO area of Seattle. Apparently an indigent stole an electrical transformer in order to scrap the metal and released the PCBs. The exposure caused severe health problems for the cop and now he’s suing the city of Seattle for $10,000,000. because they didn’t do enough to protect him. He’ll probably win. So instead of paying $10,000,000. of taxpayer money to clean up the site, they’ll be paying the cop and his lawyers — and the city’s lawyers.

    Gov’t, as far as I can tell, only exists for itself.


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