Cleveland Browns Waive Jermaine Whitehead After He Threatened Violence Over Twitter – IOTW Report

Cleveland Browns Waive Jermaine Whitehead After He Threatened Violence Over Twitter

Daily Caller: Jermaine Whitehead is no longer a member of the Cleveland Browns.

The team announced early Monday morning that the safety had been released. The move comes after Whitehead threatened violence against multiple people on Twitter. 

Well, there you have it, folks. That didn’t take long at all. I thought he might get suspended or slapped with a fine. read more

14 Comments on Cleveland Browns Waive Jermaine Whitehead After He Threatened Violence Over Twitter

  1. @Uncle Kink – I am a Denver homer (yes, they suck as well), so I completely understand.

    I am happy that some teams stand up and punish unacceptable behavior. I can hear it now “they are violating the first amendment”, “I really didn’t want to play for the Browns anyway”, etc. Yes, I know those arguments are invalid, but when has that stopped anyone?

    Waiting for union lawsuit over wrongful termination…. 3 ….. 2 …..

  2. Section 11 of the NFL standard player contract, since 2007 … “if Player has engaged in personal conduct reasonably judged by Club to adversely affect or reflect on Club, then Club may terminate this contract.”

    … & every major sports team in the US has basically the same clause

  3. thugs will be thugs…. I can’t stand the NFL and the dedskins are stinking up the joint as well…..
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne


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