Climate Activists Cause Heartbroken Man to Miss His Father’s Funeral – IOTW Report

Climate Activists Cause Heartbroken Man to Miss His Father’s Funeral

“I Will Never, Ever, Forgive These People.”

11 Comments on Climate Activists Cause Heartbroken Man to Miss His Father’s Funeral

  1. Leftist creeps fuck up everything. I had a horrible time when the Covid nazis made it impossible for me to get to my dying mother’s bedside.

    I will also never forgive or forget.

  2. it’s way past time to take these idiots out!

    everyone should carry zip ties (or wire-ties, if you prefer) so when you encounter these waterheads just drag ’em & tie ’em to the nearest guard rail, sign post, etc.

    … done w/ these jackweasles

  3. Drop the truck into low range first gear, hit the horn and push the tach up to 1800 rpm. At 3 mph if they don’t get out of the way a tire of a 7000 lb truck will role their sorry ass over, slowly.

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