Climate Activists Superglue Themselves Together to Block Capitol Entry – IOTW Report

Climate Activists Superglue Themselves Together to Block Capitol Entry

18 Comments on Climate Activists Superglue Themselves Together to Block Capitol Entry

  1. Well, if their hands were glued to the wall. Why didn’t someone apply some gorilla glue lipstick to each of them? They couldn’t stop it being done, and afterward no one would have to listen to their stupid rants.

    However, it would have been great fun hearing them yank their hands free to block receiving the glue lip balm. Actually I’d really prefer a few big guys told them they had 60 seconds to free themselves & clear out or they’d be cleared out by brute force. Then yell, “Let’s roll!”.

    If charges were dropped expect it or something equally stupid to happen again.

  2. Remember the tree hugger that chained himself to a tree and became dinner for a grizzly?

    This glued-up pile of stupid just needs to be prodded out onto a busy DC avenue.

  3. Superglue. Isn’t that made in climate polluting factories by capitalist pigs?

    Oh, and they’re “shutting down Congress?” Newsflash: that happened years ago.

  4. A few years ago some guy Super-Glued another guy’s hand to his (the second guy) crank (somebody was banging somebody else’s wife).

    Anyway – the guy whose hand was Super-Glued to his (own) crank DIED!
    (not making this up – memory’s just not too clear)

    Seems the chemicals used to make Super-Glue transitioned through the skin of his penix and poisoned him. So, these klowns were really taking a chance. We should buy them a vat of the stuff!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Plutonium Kid or what if they have to take a dump? It could get mighty stinky in there. And didn’t Harry Reid and others complain a few years ago about the tourists and how they made it stink in the capitol entrance a few years ago.


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