Climate Alarmists Reduced to Recycling Discredited Attacks on Skeptics – IOTW Report

Climate Alarmists Reduced to Recycling Discredited Attacks on Skeptics

American Thinker: In their tireless effort to silence rational opposing opinion and force premature action to a climate crisis of their own making, Alarmists are ratchetting the doomsday scenarios up and the “time to act” window down.  But high on their list of reasons to doubt the doubters of only the most recent “12 years to save the planet” ultimatum, sits an accusation of deception.  An accusation based on a lie spoken by Al Gore nearly 12 years ago – a lie which was debunked almost as quickly as it was spoken.

Last week, Esquire Associate Editor Jack Holmes penned a piece accusing The Republican Party (a.k.a. powerful “fossil-fuel interests”) of warping discussions about “the consensus that climate change is happening, and human activity is causing it.” Keeping with the current “12 years to respond” frenzy [PDF], Holmes offered a number of doom-and-gloom articles and reports, painting a shocking portrait of an Earth “uninhabitable” and “devastated by famine and permanent economic collapse, climate plagues, unbreathable air, and perpetual war,” leading to mankind’s inevitable extinction from a “Sun that cooks us” should we “underestimate the climate crisis” and fail to “dramatically change course” within 12 years.

And this warmist is not entertaining any dissent:

Anyone who continues to question whether [manmade global warming] is happening should be ostracized from the public debate. They should not be invited on cable news or the Sunday Shows to spread misinformation and outright lies. These voices have been granted legitimacy for far too long.

It would appear that Esquire’s Holmes received the same memo as did NBC’s Chuck Todd several weeks ago. And Holmes drew a similar conclusion:  more

11 Comments on Climate Alarmists Reduced to Recycling Discredited Attacks on Skeptics

  1. Here’s a suggestion: Make it the Truth™, for them. We all agree on 12 years. Not 145 months. Not 4384 days. 12 years. From the date that 12 years was stated, as the deadline. If we’re still here, the climate re-liars’ end of the world comes. In the camps. All the climate re-liars. In the camps.

  2. They can’t allow any facts to interfere with the “debate” (which is actually a “narrative”) for the simple reason that their imbecility isn’t based on facts – but on fear mongering.

    They are also intimately aware that a moron such as Sandy Ocasio-Cortez hasn’t the intelligence to pour piss out of a boot – or the intellectual wattage to drive a refrigerator light.

    The whole Globaloney-Climate-Change Scam cannot stand up to scientific scrutiny.
    And they know it.
    Which is why they enlist Lysenko-ist “scientists” to promote it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The only way I would be convinced (actually I am lying here) that climate change is actually caused and can be cured by the actions of man is for every climate change believer to commit SUICIDE to remove their carbon footprint. If they don’t, they are not serious.

    Gore? AOC? Obama? The Hildabeast? Who’s first?

  4. Billy Fuster….”Anyone that believes in global warming – cooling – severe climate bullshit is a hypocrite if they don’t kill themselves to save the planet.” We should DEMAND it starting with chuck todd.

  5. First, of all, Jack Holmes is a libtard’s libtard; He would argue the sky is green if a conservative stated that it’s blue.
    You can’t expect such small minds to understand the difference between 5 billion years of geological history compared with a few hundred years of man’s recorded history of the weather.

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