Climate Bombshell: No Ice-Cold Beer to Cool Us Down as Planet Earth Boils Over!!!11!! – IOTW Report

Climate Bombshell: No Ice-Cold Beer to Cool Us Down as Planet Earth Boils Over!!!11!!

WUWT: When all else fails on the climate fearmongering front, try warning that beer shortages are likely in the near future. The Financial Times reports that the Chief Executive of the Japanese brewer Asahi, Atsushi Katsuki, says climate change could lead to beer shortages as warmer temperatures hit barley and hop supplies around the world. Fortune goes into full climate tragedy mode, noting: “Beer could face an existential crisis.” Needless to say, missing from all this doomsday drivel is a note that barley is the most adaptable cereal and can grow in many areas from the sub-tropics to the Arctic. Meanwhile, world hop production has never been in better health with global acreage rising in 2021 for the eighth year in succession.

This is not the first time the booze gets it in the climate crisis, with the need to constantly supply political messaging to promote Net Zero. Earlier this year, America celebrated National Margarita Day with CNN warning that climate change could be coming for the seemingly luckless libation. Behind the scare was some made-up nonsense about the weather affecting the ingredients going into tequila, despite the fact that since 1995 tequila production has increased six-fold, and from 2018 it has doubled. more

14 Comments on Climate Bombshell: No Ice-Cold Beer to Cool Us Down as Planet Earth Boils Over!!!11!!

  1. Ask any of these idiots about how things formed over the course of millions of years on earth. They have no clue.


    What does limestone come from?

    Why is there a coal seam?

    Both of these critical questions are directly linked to carbon in the atmosphere.

    If you can’t explain basic geological history, you have no business whatsoever demanding future change for the “betterment” (They’re actually calling for destruction) of the planet.

  2. no,no,no. this is more sinister, hear me out…. brewing beer involves fermentation, which yeast feeds on sugar in the wort, and makes two by-products, alcohol and CO2. since CO2 is worse than Godzilla dry humping a nuclear reactor next to a daycare, they are projecting that this industry needs to be crippled. can’t have people releasing CO2 through brewing or opening those finished beers now can we? it’s more CO2 than our fragile little mud ball can handle! I say we start fermentation of everything, and I mean table scraps, lawn trimmings, leaves, whatever. dump a bunch of yeast in a bucket of water with sugar and a bag of grass and let it sit in the sun,and let it do what it does. also, burn a tire or two for Greta.

  3. Back during the Mediaeval Warm Period, grapes grew in England.
    So if the climate warms (again), all the beer drinkers can drink wine instead.

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