Climate change group legally branded a ‘criminal organization’ – IOTW Report

Climate change group legally branded a ‘criminal organization’


The Last Generation climate change group has been designated as a “criminal organization” by the Munich Regional Court, which announced the ruling on Thursday after considering ten complaints from the climate activists over searches and seizures.

The court dismissed the complaints, ruling that the Last Generation meets the requirements to be considered an organized crime group – arguing that committing crimes does not necessarily need to be the only purpose of a group to be designated as such.

The court said the group’s activities, including disrupting traffic and damaging property, constitute a significant threat to public safety and order. more here

8 Comments on Climate change group legally branded a ‘criminal organization’

  1. I’m in favor of them acquiring more glue.

    It’s hilarious when they glue themselves down. More of that please. Makes it harder to resist arrest. Although I’m not sure if they ever arrest these criminals.

  2. Claudia the problem there is the vehicles in front might be driven by some limp wrist who doesn’t have the balls to drive thru them!

    Maybe an alternative would be a bullet in their head and drag their dead ass off the roadway by whoever is armed and pissed!

  3. We need to install cow catchers like on the old steam locomotives.
    It should work on the these idiots just as well as it did for cows.
    It pushed [threw] them out the way. Have a snowplow on my 4WD truck, should be easy to retrofit the blade!


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