Climate change is ruining the Earth’s rotation! – IOTW Report

Climate change is ruining the Earth’s rotation!

By Jack Hellner

I don’t know how we can offset the devastation.  Studies show that the Earth’s rotation may change from 1 millisecond per century to 2.6 milliseconds per century by the year 2100 if we don’t reduce our emissions. 

If my calculations are correct, that means that in 60,000 years, our use of oil, natural gas, and coal will change the rotation of the Earth by one second.  How could we ever handle such a huge change?  How can anyone tell if these calculations are remotely correct or verify what they say is the cause?  The answer is, we can’t.  It is all a massive scam to make the government bigger and to control our lives. more

21 Comments on Climate change is ruining the Earth’s rotation!

  1. Forget manmade globull exhalations, the bullshit all the world’s politicians keep spewing, the “spin” they put on every lie they peddle, must be having a profound effect on this planet.

  2. We have to have everyone on Earth walk the same way at the exact same time for a few minutes each month to compensate for the WEF’s exorbitant use of fossil fuels.

  3. As usual, Uncle Al does the physics.

    But consider an actual solution!

    8.5 Billion Homo Sapien Sapiens face East, bend way over and blow real hard through their legs!

    F = ma, E = ½Iw² (the physics)

    QED (But this comment has not been peer reviewed by the resident physicist!)

  4. The atomic clock is more accurate than the rotation of the earth. I can’t say that I have seen it in years, but it use to be a news story on January 1 and July 1 when they would reset the atomic clock so that it was in sync with the earth.

    As I recall, the orbit of the earth was fastest when, during its elliptical orbit, it was closest to the sun. I t seems logical that the earth’s rotation speeds up as well at those times and that is when this guy is doing his measurement. It would not be unlike when they looked at the Great Barrier Reef during the low part of its cycle and claimed it was being destroyed by global warming. Of course they never mentioned how, in a few years, it came back as robust as ever.

    Whatever happened to that ice age that was going to kill us off by the year 2000? And wasn’t Y2K going to disrupt communication and the internet?

    Are they aware that five centuries ago there were vineyards in the UK? Isn’t it strange when there people measure something that no one had been able to measure before and say that is proof of an upcoming catastrophe?

    As long as people get paid to say the sky is falling, we will also ways have people saying just that.

  5. @General Malaise:

    8.5 Billion Homo Sapien Sapiens face East, bend way over and blow real hard through their legs!

    Alas, Newton’s #3 says that won’t work.

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