Climate change through the years (and how we survived it) – IOTW Report

Climate change through the years (and how we survived it)

DISCOVERED through groundbreaking research over the last 150 years, rapid climate change has been found to be so common in recent geological time (the last 2.5million years) that it has a name and a subset of geoscience of its own called ‘Abrupt Climate Change’. It attracts scientists from many different fields.

They are still working on it, unlike the promoters of catastrophic climate change who say they know it all because ‘the science is settled’. Only non-scientists or those with a non-scientific agenda could say this.

These rapid changes, through which nature has survived and thrived and humans continued to evolve, were far more difficult conditions than modern man would have to adapt to with 1.5 or 2 degrees C of warming. Well-remunerated alarmists and their exploited disciples claim, without real-world evidence, that this would be catastrophic for the human race. They are choosing to forget how adaptable we have become, as well as history.

Here are a few examples of ‘Abrupt Climate Change’. This is from the journal Nature:

‘The warming phase, that took place about 11,500 years ago, at the end of the Younger Dryas was also very abrupt and central Greenland temperatures increased by 7°C or more in a few decades. This was dramatic but entirely natural. One estimate is that this warming, as measured in Greenland, was responsible for up to half of the entire warming of the current post-glacial era (Holocene), yet it did not disrupt the world. read more

11 Comments on Climate change through the years (and how we survived it)

  1. Good info but so what?
    We live in an era in which facts don’t matter, especially when the endgame of the climate alarmists is not to “save” the planet but rather to exert control over every effing thing we do.

  2. The first climate crisis: we all died! The second climate crisis: we all died. The third climate crisis: we burned and fell into the swamp!

    -Apologies to Monte Python

  3. The next climate crisis: Sun go BOOM!, goemagnetic field collapses, grid and electronics go bye-bye, ozone layer disappears, magnetic pole shifts, partial ionization of the atmosphere, 90% starve.

    Someone tell the Bill Gates’ of the world that they don’t have to do anything to reduce the human population. Nature will do it all by herself.

  4. Yes, control and taxes, that’s what it’s all about. The fools who think the gubmint is capable of “stopping climate change” are classic examples of indoctrinated, group think, no critical thinking skills public school “education.” Your tax dollars at work! Sadly, some of them vote.

  5. The climate freaks say that today’s warming is worse than any warming in history. They have graphs showing a steep increase over the last 50 or 75 years.

    However, the same guy that showed this graph also showed a graph of warming going back 20000 years. In that expanse of time there were instances of abrupt GM, like between 8000 and 5000 years ago. There may well have been short periods in those millennia of more drastic GW than one we have had over the past 75 years. I would bet yes, but I don’t know if they have such fine core samples that show timeframes equal to 50-75 years.

    If they find such a sample modern global warning fears will be revealed as so much bunk.

  6. Define normal, normal has become meaningless and means whatever the left wants you to be believe from year to the next. Normal is constantly changing, so there really is no normal only averages from year to year. And no, it’s not normal to be constantly yelling that the sky is falling, that we’re all gonna die from globull warming etc. The globull warming zealots have been as much right as the knuckleheads who keep telling us all the time that the rapture is imminent and neither has been right yet in my lifetime of 70 years.

  7. hey honeydew… “normal” temp is 97.1….

    according to forensic files, i’ve been dead appoximately 2 hours….

    ….for most of my life!!!…..

    am i the zombie apocalypse ???….lol…….


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