Climate Friendly Joe – IOTW Report

Climate Friendly Joe

15 Comments on Climate Friendly Joe

  1. Behold: Sa-tan (posing as Bi-den).

    “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”…Revelations.

  2. The so-called “logic” of Jackass Joe means in order to meet our daily consumption demands we import oil from someplace else and burn even more oil just to get it here.
    A nuther capital idea from Commander Numbnutz Bumblefuk!!

  3. Drop your silver in my tambourine
    Help a sick man sell a shitty dream
    Give me pennies, I’ll say anything
    Now listen while I play
    My green tambourine

    Watch the carbon credits start to grow
    Trading cash for nothing to and fro
    When you toss a coin, you can preen
    Now listen while I play
    My green tambourine

    Pass the bill before I fade away
    Any lie they’ve got, I’ll gladly say
    Money feeds my sick, twisted dream
    Now listen while I play
    My green tambourine

  4. Imagine laying out a 25 foot square solar panel array in the middle of combat for a few days to recharge a skinny wheel humvee and pray the enemy doesn’t set off sun blocking smoke bombs. That’s if you aren’t sunk in 10 feet of mud with 4-tons of batteries. Makes total sense.

  5. ….and the trained media seals lapped it all up and applauded on cue, then made glowing reports about what a super genii he is.

    Just imagine what the reaction from the EXACT SAME CROWD would have been were it President Trump saying the EXACT SAME THING.

  6. “NAAC # FJB-LGB April 23, 2022 at 12:33 pm
    Mind? WHAT mind?!? It’s a BB in an empty box car…”

    If you put Joe’s brain on the edge of a razor, it’d look like a BB rolling down a four-lane highway.


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