Climate is now transitioning to a cooling trend – IOTW Report

Climate is now transitioning to a cooling trend

Ice Age Now:

Geomagnetic field (weakening) is acting in concert with solar activity.

I want to see how many people will be left believing the AGW theory by 2020, as the climate is now transitioning to a cooling trend.

Can you imagine a cooling climate trend with not only these so called high CO2 levels but maybe CO2 still increasing as the climate cools?

AGW theory has hi jacked naturally occurring climate changes. It is unfortunate that naturally occurring climatic changes were in a warming mode from 1850-2005, but that ended in full force in year 2018 and I feel the lag times are now sufficient. A period of 10+ years 2005-2017.

If one looks at the historical climatic records, what stands out is that this period of time in the climate is in no way unique in regards to the rate or magnitude of warming , and that the climate has done this many times before.

Not to mention the lack of correlation of the global climate versus CO2 concentrations and worse yet, CO2 is following the temperature, not leading it.  more here

6 Comments on Climate is now transitioning to a cooling trend

  1. There was once a snowball earth. Ice all the way down to the poles. It stands to reason there are times when there are NO arctic and Antarctic ice.
    And everything in between.
    This cooling trend will spawn a new generation of idiots who posit that the cooling is from humans doing something.
    This apologetic mindset of human activity is the Great Filter in the Fermi Paradox

  2. But it’s not “Global Warming,” it is climate change! If rains are heavy one year it is because of man-made climate change. If it is dry the next year it is because of man-made climate change. If the weather is consistent it because of man-made climate change. I thought you knew that by now. It is nothing that more government control over your lives would not solve.

    Just ask Al Gore.

  3. It’s summer, and some people will complain how hot it is. When winter gets here, it will be cold, and some people will complain how cold it is. There will always be those who try to convince us that higher taxes (aka more government) will “correct” the weather. Unfortunately, there will always be those who believe it.


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