Climate Skeptic Professor Fired for Telling the Truth About the Great Barrier Reef – IOTW Report

Climate Skeptic Professor Fired for Telling the Truth About the Great Barrier Reef

Breitbart: An Australian professor has been fired for telling the truth about the Great Barrier Reef: that it’s not being destroyed by man-made climate change and that the “science” claiming otherwise is bunk.

Until this week Peter Ridd was Professor of Physics at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia. But he has now been fired after a long battle with the university authorities.

The official reason given for his sacking is that he “engaged in a pattern of conduct that misrepresents the nature and conduct of the disciplinary process through publi­cations online and in the media”.

Ridd, however, contends that this was just a pretext. His real “crime” in the university’s eyes was to stick up for honest science and to refuse to back down just to conform with the establishment’s alarmist orthodoxy.

13 Comments on Climate Skeptic Professor Fired for Telling the Truth About the Great Barrier Reef

  1. Hope he sues and collects millions. Stout fellow.

    Global satellites and airline pilots are still unable to locate that Texas-sized floating continent of solid plastic garbage 800 miles wide and 15 feet high reported by Greenpeace since 1990. Gets bigger every news story for 30 years but strangely it just can’t be seen or photographed.

    Funny, you’d think a 800 mile Pacific continent of solid garbage would be on shipping charts as a menace to navigation.

  2. Why the alarmist tone? He really should have been fired.

    Working the desert tray, and I tell you “Skip it, you’re too fat.”?

    Selling official seals proving you’ve been touched by His noodly appendage, and I say “There is no Flying Spaghetti Monster.”?

    Selling government titles, and I tell you “The Party Science is not the only science.”?

    This may be Macy’s, but you ain’t Santa.

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