Climate zealots try to confiscate South Dakota family farm – IOTW Report

Climate zealots try to confiscate South Dakota family farm


There is a very disturbing story coming out of South Dakota. It’s one of the most important stories in America, yet, the media is completely silent. The story involves a farmer named Jared Bossly and a “green” company called “Summit Carbon Solutions” that’s trying to confiscate Mr. Bossly’s family farm by using eminent domain — the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use. The green group wants to confiscate Mr. Bossly’s farm in order to construct a carbon capture pipeline on his land.

To make matters worse, Summit Carbon Solutions is very politically connected. Conservative pundit Greg Price shared this tidbit on Twitter.

To give you an idea of Summit Carbon’s connections to the GOP:

Their senior adviser is former six term Iowa Governor Terry Branstad. He’s a kingpin in Iowa and his support is crucial to political success in the state.

Former SD GOP State Chair Dan Lederman is a senior adviser for LS2group, a public relations firm working with Summit Carbon Solutions.

Oh yeah, and they were also a platinum sponsor of Gov. Kristi Noem’s inauguration back in January.


20 Comments on Climate zealots try to confiscate South Dakota family farm

  1. Summit Carbon Solutions. Carbon Solutions. Right. I pulled p their web sight because I was exposed to an outfit like this about ten years ago. If you go to their webb sight and check under their customer tag, they don’t have any listed. This smells like a damn lobbying out fit.
    I got a call from one of my buds, who also owned a machine shop at the time, warning me some clowns entered his lobby demanding to survey how many cnc’s he had on the floor and hp ratings for anything with an electric motor. He threw them out. As I did.I asked them point blank if the were a gov agency. No answer. That was back in the “Carbon Credit” days. I’m sure had either one of us let them in it would have been nothing but trouble from there on out.

  2. Since we already know they are trying to starve people off the planet, this seems to me to be a convenient land-grabbing mechanism by which to shut down cattle and agriculture based on the hocus-pocus-hokum of claiming that CO2 is a pollutant! (Go tell that to a tree)
    What we have here is compounding McGuffins!

  3. They wanna go “green”?
    Here’s a deep hole for them.
    The deeper, the better.

  4. Somewhat OT… We are dealing with a solar ‘farm’ trying to pull 95 acres out of a protected agricultural overlay zone in our small city. It’s currently working farms, as well as historic homesteads and gravesites of first settlers. All out of town developers & investors (carpetbaggers). City commissions meeting in private, no minutes recorded… lots of shenanigans by transplanted yankees.

    Anyone have any suggestions for tactics, organizations, etc. to help prevent this land grab?


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