Clinton Accusers Respond To Bill’s Non-Apology To Monica Lewinsky – IOTW Report

Clinton Accusers Respond To Bill’s Non-Apology To Monica Lewinsky

DC: Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey, who have both accused former president Bill Clinton of sexual assault, shamed Clinton for trying to turn himself into the victim of the Lewinsky scandal.

During a Monday morning interview, NBC’s Craig Melvin asked Clinton if he believes he owes Monica Lewinsky a personal apology for his role in their White House affair. However, Clinton deflected by saying that he had apologize publicly, that the public is on his side, and that he left the White House $16 million in debt.

Broaddrick and Willey responded to Clinton during a Monday night interview on Fox News with host Laura Ingraham.

Broaddrick, who accuses Clinton of raping her, said that Clinton once tried to apologize to her and she told him to “go to hell.”

“Kathleen Willey, you watch that interview,” Ingraham said. “Why am I stunned? He has not learned anything about this experience. He’s actually a smart guy. I’m almost speechless. Your reaction?”  WATCH

14 Comments on Clinton Accusers Respond To Bill’s Non-Apology To Monica Lewinsky

  1. Why in the world did Patterson collaborate on a book with a rapist?
    Bubba is a sleazy rapist pedophile criminal who has, with his wife, left a trail of dead bodies behind him.
    Hmmmm….maybe as inspiration for the bad guy?

  2. Liberals are NEVER actually sorry for anything that they caused … their apologies are always weasel words …. “if anyone is offended by my bad behavior…. blah blah blah”

  3. Slick simply has no moral compass. It’s in his DNA. Beware intelligence with no code of decency. Mother said you’re known by the company you keep. That’s Slick and Co.

  4. My favorite memory of Bill and Monica was when he used that Cuban cigar to enter her nether zone. Then he walked down to Hillary’s office, lit the cigar and blew a smoke ring in her face.


  5. The clown gets his ass in the most greatest seat of power in the world.
    He chooses to waste that power crawling under his desk to diddle a simple chubby girl.
    But he believes he retained his legitimacy as someone who mattered.

    Fuck off Bubba. Loser.

  6. It looked like Patterson really had some place else he wanted to be.
    I voted for that asshole once, sorry guys. Bob Droll, seriously, his schtick didn’t work for McStain either.
    If he just hadn’t wagged that fat, now boney, finger at me and swore, unbeknownst to him, a little stained blue dress waited in the evidence box.
    I could have handled: “I’m sorry, yes, I fucked her, have you seen Hillary?”
    This is the coldest plate of revenge I have ever enjoyed. I used some schadenfreude to sop it up with.
    “You’re dispicabble.” – Daffy

  7. Would have been great to see the reporter ask Slick Willie about the child trafficking camp they found in Arizona on land owned by Cemex. The same company that gave the Clinton Foundation money and got money to build houses in Haiti. Ask Bill how coincidental is it that every time child sex trafficking comes up, there is always some connection to him and Hill.

  8. The other day he stated how sorry he was and wanted to point out all the “good things” he’s done for people since then. Really? all the good things?


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