Clinton Acknowledges It’s ‘Possible’ Her Emails Were Hacked – IOTW Report

Clinton Acknowledges It’s ‘Possible’ Her Emails Were Hacked

DC: Hillary Clinton acknowledged for the first time Wednesday that it is “possible” that her email system was hacked while she was overseas on State Department business.

Appearing at a forum hosted by NBC News, host Matt Lauer asked Clinton about the FBI’s assessment that while there was no evidence that Clinton’s email system was hacked, it is possible that sophisticated foreign spy agencies infiltrated her private server and email account.

“Matt, there’s no evidence,” said Clinton. But she added: “Of course anything is possible.”

Clinton then suggested that her private system was superior to the State Department’s.


4 Comments on Clinton Acknowledges It’s ‘Possible’ Her Emails Were Hacked

  1. Possible? Just possible?? Then WhyTF is she bitching about Russia all the time?

    OOH she tellingly acknowledges how sophisticated our enemies’ tech capabilities are & how previous State Departments-and she even said the WH-have been hacked and OTOH she tries to say her fucking basement server wasn’t hacked?

    Does she think we can’t keep track of the bullshit from one sentence to the next?

  2. Let’s see, can anyone predict the next step? The nefarious ‘Russians’, with whom she pushed the reset button, her buddies, yea, those Russians not only HACKED her emails, they also CHANGED or made up the content, which is why she ‘can’t recall’ what was said.

    There should be a Liar contest show, to ferret out the best liar and award them with riches beyond thinking. Oh wait, that is already a reality show; LIFE WITH HILLARY.

  3. So why did Cankles haul up her fat ass to stand for questions? any guesses? It certainly was not out of respect for the audience, since this skank has no respect for ANYONE. I conjecture that her audio feed earpiece for getting her prompts was not clearly receiving unless she did stand up. Obviously she can think better for herself on her feet, NOT! Too bad there was no hidden signal scrambler under her stool, so we could see how she really thinks on her feet, without help from her stoolies.

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