Clinton Appointed Judge Rules Military Can’t Deny HIV-Positive Enlistees – IOTW Report

Clinton Appointed Judge Rules Military Can’t Deny HIV-Positive Enlistees


A Virginia court has ruled the Defense Department may not prohibit any enlistees who have undetectable viral loads of HIV from joining the military.

Clinton appointed U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema in her ruling that those who are asymptomatic HIV-positive may not be barred from joining the military.

Brinkema stated that barring HIV-positive enlistees is “irrational, arbitrary, and capricious.”

The Clinton-appointed judge further wrote, “Modern science has transformed the treatment of HIV.”

After the ruling, Gregory Nevins, an attorney who helped file the lawsuit  against the Department of Defense, in a press release, “Americans living with HIV no longer face categorical barriers to service careers – discharge, bans on commissioning, bans on deployment and finally bans on enlisting.” more

19 Comments on Clinton Appointed Judge Rules Military Can’t Deny HIV-Positive Enlistees

  1. I suppose the whole point of putting diseased fags in the Armed Forces is to make the Armed Forces less effective.

    It’s not like medical corpsmen in the heat of battle had nothing else to worry about – but now they can get the bug just by doing their jobs – “tough luck, old son, sucks to be you!”

    And what will be the costs of the medical care for these diseased fags?
    Who will replace them when they become symptomatic?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Modern science has transformed the treatment of HIV.”


    The same medical soience that’s brought you vaxxxines that arent vaccines, barred safe drugs for profitable but deadly ones, and doctors cowering in corners behind double masks as nurses dance in empty hallways has produced new wonder drugs like PrEP, which do nothing but make HIV “undetectable” so the modern Typhoid Marvin can squirt his infected semem far and wide, with none of his victims having a chance to know they are accepting Death into their bodies until its too late.

    Combine that with Government enacting HIPAA laws to make it illegal to find out if someone is infected and with laws that decriminalize even giving AIDS/HIV to someone deliberately, with malice aforethought, and bragging about it later, then yes, HIV treatment IS transformed into something that modern medicine seems to WANT to spread, ironically brought to you by the same people who put a wall between you and your dying Grandma just “in case” you “might” have an “asymptomatic” disease sponsored by your own government even as people who they KNEW had the disease were placed in the same room with her on purpose.

    Its “transformed”, all right.

    The same way an angel of light “transformed” into the literal devil from hell…

  3. This will be an even bigger problem given the reported 25,000+ sexual assaults (DOD’s own numbers) every year…mostly male on male. And those are how many that are reported.

  4. They want to enlist so they can get their AIDS Drugs for free. Fine but station them at the North and South Poles with only a pink helmet and camouflaged Speedos with no heated buildings. We’ll be able to then freeze the AIDS right out of them.

  5. Mr. Liberty brings up a good point. Male-on-male rape goes underreported because men, for a variety of reasons, are hugely adverse to admitting another man overpowered and sexually assaulted them. People tend to dismiss such men as closeted gay, weak, or worse because most people stereotype an actual gay man as effeminite and himself physically weak and assume the average man could easily defend himself against such a one. This stereotype is not true as anyone whose seen a prison bull queer could attest, but beyond physical strength there are weapons, there are gang rapes, and there are adult males raping boys, all of which are underreported as in all these cases the victims expect to be shamed and insulted instead of supported, with a “justice” system more interested in protecting gay “rights” than prosecuting gay rapist.

    Witness laws like the aforemrntioned ones saying you cant prosecute a gay man for deliberately giving you AIDS even if he ADMITS it.

    …add to that the fact that HIPAA prevents you from learning your rapists’ HIV status, and there’s almost no point in approaching a criminal “justice” system for help that is heavily weighted towards your attacker, where you will only open yourself to public humiliation with none of the support and understanding female victims get.

    There are parts of New Orleans and certainly San Francisco that no straight man should go to because theres a high probabilty of homosexual assault. But youll not hear that from the Chamber of Commerce or the local media, but certainly the local residents can warn you.

    Rape isnt just for females.

    And rape does happen in same-sex dormatories, and like male->female rape as an expression of dominance and a form of humiliation, but with men on men even MORE so.

    Thats what makes things like this particuarly invidious.

    The military needs the healthiest people it can get both in mind and body, focused on mission and not mutual masturbation.

    Accomodating the physically and mentally ill not only fails to achieve that goal but is actually detrimental to it, as knowledge of such policies may cause the healthy to seek other opportunities where they will NOT be forced to live in close quarters with people who may well seek after them sexually.

    Willing or unwilling.

    This policy can do nothing but harm to the U.S. military.

    Which has probably been the intent all along…

  6. …as for them as patients (since the military isnt the safest of occupations), we had that same problem decades ago when Fauci first unleashed AIDS on us. As medics we had AIDS patients we knew about and AIDS patients we did NOT know about.

    Which is why they invented Universal Bloodbourne Pathogen protocols which, put simply, makes the assumption that EVERYONE is infected until proven otherwise, and you treat them accordingly.

    Side note; with the advent of things like PrEP, testing for HIV may give a false sense of security as it makes a person “undetectable”, ON PURPOSE, so even if they DO test its no guarentee.

    ..granted, theres a greater risk of exposure to blood in military situations where it isnt always possible to glove up, but having had people drip blood and less savory fluids on me while dangling above me as I asses them from the headliner of an inverted pickup truck, I can say with some assurance that some occupations have inherent risk that cannot be 100% mitigated, and Corpsman is CERTAINLY one of THOSE.

    …so having made the decision to treat patients, you need to acknowledge this includes INFECTED patients and that there is always a risk you will SHARE in it. Something modern Doctors and Nurses in the Coof Ages seem to have an issue with, but true nonetheless.

    That said, not putting verifiably sick people in the field in the FIRST place is the LEAST that the military SHOULD do…

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