Clinton Blames Dead Ambassador, Underlings for Benghazi – IOTW Report

Clinton Blames Dead Ambassador, Underlings for Benghazi



[…] In her own mind, Clinton probably thought she was showing how “innocent” she is in regards to the deaths of four Americans, but what really came across is the image of a lazy, ignorant, hands-off prima donna of a boss who is happy to take credit for other people’s work and quick to place blame on others for her own mistakes. (Continued)

34 Comments on Clinton Blames Dead Ambassador, Underlings for Benghazi

  1. The part I watched was mid-day. She looked like a victim, the d-rats on the committee kissed her ass, fawned all over her, the R-rats acted rough and demanding.

    Pool old granny getting beat up by those nasty R-rats. And so sad, Sidney Bloomenthal, a disgraced vet, her private spy and manipulator. That was an interesting line of questioning, but the d-rats always changed the subject to glorify her role as Sec State.

    I just couldn’t take any more than an hour and a half. I wanted to hear the part about how they all lied over the coffins and to the families that it was a video that caused the deaths.

  2. I’m on the west coast and Fox just replayed that Brett Bair special on the three contractors that wrote 13 hours. Damn I’m pissed. Who ever runs against the Bitch should just keep replaying that special. Amazing hero’s

  3. BFH, I keep posting when you use this photo, and never said how great the concept is. One of the best. I think it’s more knockout and versatile than Jumpsuit Orange. Of course it’s also more, a, shall we say “gross.”

  4. You’re quite welcome Jane. I saw it when it first came out. It really highlights the monumental difference between our true American warriors (active duty and other) and the scumbag politicians that seem to have no qualms about putting them in harm’s way and then abandoning them when the going gets tough.

  5. I heard Rush talking about that today – some kid that called in said it was the same guy that did the transformers movies (which I know nothing about but have read about how good the special effects were). I hope they are using these guys (and any others that were actually there doing the fighting) as consultants and tell the true story – and hopefully just a few months before the election.

  6. TY Bad Brad.

    Did any of you see that supposedly the pentagon isn’t calling the death of the Master Sgt. Joshua L. Wheeler who was killed rescuing the 70 hostages a battle field death, because they were only “advising.” Does it mean no $$ for the widow? Someone mentioned it over at CTH.

  7. Duh! I bet he did e-mail her many times, but some underling intercepted and then ignored them.

    I understand that people in important positions generally do not read every single e-mail addressed to them. A secretary or assistant will respond to routine matters and bring the important ones to the boss’ attention. My question is, why would the person actually reading these e-mails not immediately red-light them for Madame ‘ s immediate attention? Perhaps because Madame had made it clear that she did not wish to be involved in such trivial concerns as security for her employees overseas?

    In addition to having the people skills of a mosquito, Hillary is also a lousy manager. God help us if this lying, conniving, cluelessly incompetent piece of shit becomes our next president.

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