Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden Working Closely to Resettle Afghans Across U.S. – IOTW Report

Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden Working Closely to Resettle Afghans Across U.S.

Hell hell, the gang’s all here.

Breitbart: A non-governmental organization (NGO) backed by former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, as well as first ladies Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush, and Michelle Obama, is working closely with President Joe Biden to resettle tens of thousands of Afghans across the United States.

The NGO, called Welcome.US, was launched by former Clinton, Bush, and Obama staffers with the former presidents’ serving as honorary chairs and receiving backing from Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors which has ties to billionaire George Soros.

Likewise, the NGO is working alongside multinational corporations like Airbnb, Walmart, Starbucks, Instacart, Facebook, Microsoft, and Chobani to provide newly arrived Afghans with financial assistance. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is also helping to funnel Afghans into American jobs.

In an interview with National Public Radio (NPR), an official with Welcome.US states that the NGO is in close contact with former Delaware Gov. Jack Markell (D) whom Biden has put in charge of facilitating the massive Afghan resettlement operation.

“We’re in touch with Governor Markell five times a day,” Welcome.US’s John Bridgeland, who previously worked as a top aide for Bush, told NPR. “… it’s going to be really hard and it’ll be uneven but Markell is setting this up for a better chance of a response than we’ve had in the past.”

After Afghans arrive in the U.S. at either Dulles International Airport in Virginia or Philadelphia International Airport in Pennsylvania, without having completed their immigration processing, they are brought to one of eight U.S. military bases that have been transformed into refugee camps. more

23 Comments on Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden Working Closely to Resettle Afghans Across U.S.

  1. Oh, please! They are all a bunch of criminals. They are helping NO ONE but themselves. The C, B, O, Bs need to all good far, far away from the American people!!

    Say your prayers everyday!!!

    God Bless us all!!

  2. All part of the same $hit Show.
    Was blowing up the Twin Towers just the start of all this?
    Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, George Soros, Rockefeller, Airbnb, Walmart, Starbucks, Instacart, Facebook, Microsoft, Chobani,…….

    Full list of people and companies to boycott.

  3. General Malaise
    Many of the listings are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which are not to be involved in political affairs.
    Many are likely sub corporations of another crooked company, all spending our money in one way or another.

    New American Economy – founded in 2010 by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg

  4. I was just reading how Wyoming has managed to resist migrant dumps for 40 years. Well this organization is trying to ram a bunch of them down Wyoming’s throat. There’s a large battle currently underway.

  5. I just sent to many friends! TY CMN guy
    Been a reader of RRW, Atlas Shrugs, etc. for well over a decade
    NEVER buy Chobani of Idaho, no halal.
    Cmn¢¢guy – thanks for that link:

    Don’t know about you all but my family and I have been experiencing things we never believed in before–spirit world visits from departed loved ones and others–WHY NOW? I think because so much evil out there now. I don’t want my kids competing for jobs with illegals and what next that we can’t trust any mainstream news anymore 🙁 Unbelievable!!!!

  6. Said it before; but bears repeating.

    The “brains” at DOMINION are “Bush Republicans”. But the $ is from GWB’s BFF Soros.

    That these guys are again , openly, working on hurting America is no shock. At least not to me!


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