Clinton Claims She Didn’t Know About The Dossier – IOTW Report

Clinton Claims She Didn’t Know About The Dossier

Uh huh. And Stevie Wonder just found out he’s blind.

Shut up.

DC: Hillary Clinton claims she did not know about the dossier containing unproven allegations about collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia until BuzzFeed News published the document, although recent reports say her campaign tried to fund it.

Clinton was annoyed that the controversial report had not been shared with the public until the final days of the 2016 presidential election, two Clinton associates said, The New York Times reportedWednesday.  MORE

31 Comments on Clinton Claims She Didn’t Know About The Dossier

  1. And the pope doesn’t know those priests did … to those little kids.

    How much more America until this bit-h is wearing pinstripes and has a prison classification number and dietary profile?

  2. The woman is a rodent. She certainly isn’t alone. This country could have elected an equal number of convicts from name your prison to replace these people up there and had about the same results. What a mess.

  3. I finally figured out what was meant when I heard Hillary supporters repeat “but she’s so accomplished!” Accomplished at lying…continually…and escaping consequences. The chickens are coming home to roost, Cankles.

  4. So, her husband is a convicted perjurer who lost his law license. She should have lost hers but eunuch Republicans thought it poor form to go after the wife of a public figure despite ample evidence that she was a certifiable liar and perjurer as well.

    20 years later, shes been given a Senate seat, given Secretary of State so that she doesn’t frag her own party’s candidate, abuses that role to peddle influence to her slush fund foundation, run for President and illegally used campaign funds to libelously collude with the Russians fo undermine our entire American system of government. And still attacking the electoral college.

    She should have been prosecuted for Whitewater, Travelgate, and Vince Foster. It will come back that she knew about Seth Rich.

    When Joe Klein wrote Primary Colors and made it into a movie, it included that they killed people but that it was for a good cause. They are still doing it but the cause is what it has always been – namely, the financial benefit of the Clinton House of Liars and Perjurers.

    I repeat “Lock her ass up”. Justoce delayed is Justice denied.

  5. This past Saturday I was rummaging around the internets looking for the details of the Tea Pot Dome scandal and what happened (incarceration) to the players. In the process I found the SCOTUS ruling on an important case brought before it because of the prosecution of Tea Pot Dome. Gregg Jarrett cited the ruling on Hannity last night and I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that he did. It has to do with the Congress compelling witness testimony and evidence.

    McGrain v Doherty:

    It didn’t make sense to me that someone who is part of a crime could simply say “Nope. Not testifying.” Or that a nondisclosure agreement would prohibit testimony. Because if that was the case, we could all write NDA’s for each other.

  6. AA: It’s genius really. The mafia and all organized crime should just get everyone to sign NDAs and no one can be prosecuted.

    Clearly, the FBI is establisbing that precedent.

  7. She didn’t know she was sending and receiving classified information on her secret bathroom server. She didn’t know what happened to the Rose Law billing records. She had no idea that Bill was dicking bimbos. Nobody told her about security problems at the Benghazi annex, either. And she still has no clue how much everybody wishes she’d just go away. Or maybe that last one has dawned on her, since she hasn’t tweeted in a week. Looks like the Bunker Bitch is back.

  8. Hillary: “What difference at this point does it make”

    I’m sure this is what she’s thinking. After cheating and lying up a storm, she still lost. Imagine that!

    Time for justice. Rule of law. She and others around her should not be given any passes. Sick of that!

  9. The ferocity and viciousness from the Democrats and the media is because they knew all of the laws they were violating and that losing the election meant they couldn’t kill the investigations.

    Investigations and sentencing must happen before the next election cycle or it will be killed by politics.

  10. Attorney General Sessions, certainly MS-13 must be eliminated, they are a criminal phenomenon that grew exponentially under the 8 years of Obama as did his islamic terrorist immigration agenda.

    The Clinton Crime spree, rapes, sexual harassment, national security implications, obstruction, perjury, lies (lawyer speak), the pay to play Foundation payola scheme explosion and insider contracts to contributors and friends. All of this and more points to a systematic corrupt practices right under the noses of the complicit DOJ and FBI for allowing the clinton syndicate to thrive for decades.

    The Clinton corrupt swamp creatures are by far more dangerous to our Republic than MS 13.

    Sessions, get your priorities straight.

  11. She sounds EXACTLY like Obola:

    “I read about it in the papers, just like you did.”

    Well, if she’s that fuckin stupid … kinda funny, really, that all our politicians plead stupidity while attempting to tell us how to run our lives … you’d think WE were the stupid ones (for electing them)!

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. I find it perfectly believeable that she did not know about the dossier. That’s not how the Clinton’s work. They merely suggest an outcome they prefer. Then a series of subordinates and others decide what to do and how to do it. Clinton never pays anyone directly. People are paid through various conduits that cannot be traced to them.

  13. Her lies are only surpassed by her outright arrogance and stupidity. If she admits to not knowing then she admits to being flat out incompetent…unable to even run her own campaign. Thank god she didn’t become President.

  14. Nunya: Hillary Clinton is a micromanager. In her mind, everyone is stupid and incompetent except her. As such, they need to be berated and humiliated in front of their peers into engaging in the brass knuckle politics that she alone seems to understand the need for to achieve Change ™.

    How The Smartest Woman In The World gets to plead ignorance and claim “I don’t recall” 100+ times during cross examination is quite a feat.

    How a woman invited to Stanford to lecture on cybersecurity but claims under oath that it takes a microfiber towel to wipe a server defies credulity.

    During her speeches, even recent ones, she seems to command encyclopedic recall of dates, times, events, motivations and the color of the cocktail napkins.

    She knows. It is my preference that the truth be beaten out of her.

  15. I heard Sessions on Hugh Hewitt this morning say he is recused from all things Clinton. So for anything other than gang stuff, he has tied his hands. Very crafty.

    It really is time to retire him and get Giuliani in there. If a DOJ head has to recuse himself, that makes me wonder about his part.

  16. If Sessions recuses himself regarding this travesty perpetrated on the American people then he should offer his resignation now. For decades the Clinton crime syndicate has fleeced the public and fed from the public troughs. It’s ludicrous to assume that a 6 million dollar expenditure could have not been pre approved or at least discussed prior to happening. Hanging is too good for these types of people.

  17. I’d like to see Bill and Hill on an apology tour to make amends to the (living) people they’ve hurt and to pay back the taxpayers the cost of this fake Trump-Russia conspiracy.

  18. “I know nothing! NOTHING!”
    “I have never known anything about anything, since from the time of my birth, until now. The idea that I knew anything has been debunked many times.”


  19. KMM – That’s not going to happen, but what might is that a looong line of lawyers start assembling to sue the pant-suit off of the Bitch (and the pants off of Bill’s ankles) for all the money these grifters took from countries, corporations and people with NOTHING to show for it except false pretenses, lies, skullduggery and treason! I want Wikileaks to start showing the world what the Clinton’s off-shore assets are!

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