Clinton-Connected Lobbying Firm Registers As Foreign Agent Of PRO-PUTIN Group – IOTW Report

Clinton-Connected Lobbying Firm Registers As Foreign Agent Of PRO-PUTIN Group

American Lookout: A lobbying firm run by the Podesta’s and closely tied with the Clinton’s has registered as a foreign agent to an organization that has close ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


The Daily Caller reported:

The Podesta Group, which received $1.2 million for the work, is operated by Tony Podesta, a major Democratic donor and the brother of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta…

…The group is reportedly controlled by Viktor Yanukovych, the former president of Ukraine and a close ally of Putin’s. Manafort has done other consulting work for Yanukovych and reportedly oversaw that work done by Podesta Group and another lobbying firm, Mercury Public Affairs.  read more

3 Comments on Clinton-Connected Lobbying Firm Registers As Foreign Agent Of PRO-PUTIN Group

  1. I’m perplexed that Trump team hired Manafort in the first place.
    What sort of special whore must a person be to play across such a wide spectrum as does a lobbyist like Manafort.
    What goes on in the dark corners of the political world is a mystery to me.

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