Clinton-Connected Podesta Group Admits Failure To Disclose Work For Indian Government – IOTW Report

Clinton-Connected Podesta Group Admits Failure To Disclose Work For Indian Government

Daily Caller: A Beltway lobbying firm with close connections to Hillary Clinton has acknowledged that it failed to disclose work it did for the Indian government in 2014 and 2015.

The Podesta Group disclosed the lobbying activities in an amended filing submitted to the Justice Department earlier this month, the Washington Free Beacon reported on Monday.

The documents lists five separate contacts that Podesta Group chairman Tony Podesta, a prolific Hillary Clinton campaign donor, made with his brother and former business partner, John Podesta, to discuss U.S.-India relations in 2014 and 2015. During that period, John Podesta, who co-founded the Podesta Group with Tony in 1988, served as White House counselor and then as Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.

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8 Comments on Clinton-Connected Podesta Group Admits Failure To Disclose Work For Indian Government

  1. Yawn….that’s merely a minor detail that surely has nothing sinister attached to it–besides, it wasn’t like it was made to the clintoon crime family or one of its subsidiaries. [sarcasm off]

  2. Blatant hubris on display, calling out Manafort for questionable Ukranian connections while Podesta Group knowingly omitted filings + tax dodging = the wrath of Loretta Lynch’s DOJ for only one of parties. *snort*

  3. It is common knowledge in the DOJ and FBI that no intent was found in the hiding of Podesta’s Lobbying for foreign governments. They were just careless in their reporting and filing. When it was noticed by Podesta Group, the required filing of documents were submitted.

    I wonder how much money did India gave the Clinton Foundation?
    Not that there’s any connection.

    No harm, No foul. Oh look, Trump Threatens to terminate Obama’s US – Cuba deal.

  4. @Jimmy
    Podesta’s influence reaches deep into all Federal agencies. Numerous political appointees (from Clinton and Obama) have been given “protected” positions in key areas in each agency.

    Podesta may not be chief of Staff, but he has contacts throughout the Federal Government, Boards, Commissions, Committees and Congress.

    We may have killed the host (Hillary), but the leech lives.

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