Clinton Crony Complains Of ‘Character Assassination’ During House Hearing – IOTW Report

Clinton Crony Complains Of ‘Character Assassination’ During House Hearing

Daily Caller: Richard Cordray, head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), complained about “character assassination” after being asked about his private text messages during a U.S. House Financial Services Committee hearing on Wednesday.

An exclusive report in the Daily Caller in January exposed Richard Cordray’s possibly illegal use of a private device to communicate about official business. Using a private device is ostensibly legal, as long as the messages are copied to an official device or backed up within 20 days of their creation.

This reporter obtained several FOIA request responses that indicated Cordray was using a private device without backing the messages up.

Those records also indicated connections between the CFPB and a longtime Democratic lobbyist and Clinton donor.

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11 Comments on Clinton Crony Complains Of ‘Character Assassination’ During House Hearing

  1. Busy as Worms in a Compost Cage.
    Very Entertaining msNBC.
    Losing grip, poorly.
    Quietly Entertaining.
    Pushme Pullme Media storyline.
    Discord. Dissension. Disrupt.
    Clinton Martyr Collection Greatest Hits.
    NOW rererererereleasing again and again.
    Old Schtick, heard here first, fresh compost.
    To every Worm, turn turn turn.
    Obey your Lunar Cycle.
    Worms At Work – 20 Days Time Lapse Vermicomposting

    Any interesting msNBC backstage Wormery on video?
    Count on it.

  2. Richard Cordray
    Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    American Lawyer, Democratic Party Politician

    Richard, whatch’ya think about MASSDATA?
    I think you know
    Insert your own comma, I, think, you, know,

    False A-B choice.
    Both ‘sides’ (in Reality, 2 small groups) are wrong for America.
    They both suck.

  3. My understanding though is the way that this agency is funded precludes Trump or Congress from cutting off funds or even firing this prick until his term is up. It was one of Pelosi’s schemes. I gather they get their cash from profits from either the Federal Reserve or something like that and he’s appointed to a X year term and can’t be removed short of going to prison. Time for an audit of the Reserve and any congressman or senator that opposes that has to write a letter to the Trump, in his own handwriting as to why.

  4. Guy needs to sit down with the Clintons and hear stories about how they tried to destroy all of Bill’s victims. Maybe they could also launch into how they tried to destroy all the conservative women who tried to become President or Vice president. And while they’re at it, maybe they could launch into a diatribe about the Clinton body count. Maybe this dweeb will figure out he doesn’t have anything to whine about.

  5. @Scr_north: You are correct in that the CFPB is funded by the Fed and Congress has no oversight. This was Elizabeth Warren’s great triumph. However, as reported in 2014, this organization meant to protect the consumer from financial services companies:
    “As of May of 2014 the CFPB had collected more than $139 million in civil penalties but allocated a mere $31 million to harmed consumer compensation.

    CFPB is not spending money compensating consumers where they were wronged by big, powerful financial firms. They’re paying their own staff lots of money to sit around and do very little.

    Six-figure salaries go to 741 employees, or 61% of the CFPB workforce, with one in four taking home $150,00 or more.

    The CFPB has let its refurbishment of a headquarters building it does not own spiral from an initial estimated $55 million to $215 million as of June 2014. The money is being spent on a rooftop kiddie play yard, a finely-decorated new lobby and landscaping.

    The CFPB is embroiled in a scandal involved alleged widespread racial and gender discrimination at the agency.”

    The recent Wells Fargo fine is a case in point: the bureau forced Wells Fargo to return $185 million to its victims. The bank actually paid less than $5 million to the millions of customers who had unauthorized accounts opened in their names; the remaining fines disappeared into various government black holes (which we have since learned are Obama’s leftist causes).

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