Clinton distrust renews Democrats’ pessimism about general election – IOTW Report

Clinton distrust renews Democrats’ pessimism about general election

WaTimes: From suspicion over the Clintons’ Whitewater dealings to 2008 claims of having braved “sniper fire” in Bosnia to now,

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where she faces questions over her use of a secret email server to conduct business in the State Department, Hillary Clinton has earned a level of distrust that’s almost unprecedented for a major political party presidential nominee.

New polling shows voters rate Donald Trump as more honest than Mrs. Clinton, underscoring deep questions that have been swirling for decades around the former secretary of state and current front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination.


5 Comments on Clinton distrust renews Democrats’ pessimism about general election

  1. Speaking of breast milk from Bruce Jenner – he’s started the dialogue to prepare everyone for his “transition” back to a man – now that the threat of prison for negligent homicide is over.

    I told ya so – it was just a scam to get out of criminal charges.

  2. The Hilldabeest camp is looking more like a Leper Colony every day…the faithful are fleeing like she is the Spawn of Satan….Liberals are a fickle lot when it comes down to my “ass or yours on the chopping block?” I would not show shock face if more of her “confidants” come forward to cleanse their corrupt souls and sing like harpies.. this is deja vous of the Titanic sinking.. her Lordship Hittlery is begining to notice a strong listing to starboard side, before it reverts to the port side, splits in half and sinks to the bottom of the abyss…

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