Clinton Dumbfounded by Rising Cost of Obamacare – IOTW Report

Clinton Dumbfounded by Rising Cost of Obamacare

‘What could have possibly raised your costs $400?’

hillary clinton shrugs

TWS: Hillary Clinton was stunned Monday when a small business owner told her that the cost of her health insurance had increased nearly two fold.

“A $400 increase, assuming you didn’t have some terrible healthcare event, which it doesn’t sound like you did,” Clinton said at a campaign event in Virginia. “I don’t understand.”

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44 Comments on Clinton Dumbfounded by Rising Cost of Obamacare

  1. “I’ll be looking at” “I’ll be looking at” “I’ll be looking at”

    If the stars align right, she’ll be looking at 15 to life by the end of next year.

  2. This is peanuts compared to what Trump’s single payer plan will cost.
    If you refuse to push back against him on this issue and hold his feet to the fire you are instructing him to follow through with it.
    Hillary is positioning herself to the right of Trump on this issue by making it something that can be ‘fixed’, with maybe single payer on the table for later so the hard core leftists don’t run away.
    If you accept the farce that Trump is new to politics, why shy away from training him?

  3. I listened to the Lady and I listened to Killary.. Lady, that’s what we in New York call “being jerked off.”
    PS I refuse to comment on JohnS bringing Trump into the matter being discussed

  4. Two fold? mine went from about 100 bucks a month to about 650 a month. from a 250 deductible to a 13,500 co-pay deal. C Steven Tucker saved me and got me illegal insurance for less than 200 a month and when I had an accident, I was covered. Now I am uninsured. C Steven blocked me and unfriended me on face book a few months back because I dared to post facts about Trump he didn’t like. Steven said his page was not a free speech zone. I did not heed his warning, and he blocked me. My choice? Get insurance and send money his way or be uninsured and let “the government” cover my bills? I picked the latter.

    Steven was very Trumpesque to do what he did. He holds the gold, he makes the rules.

    and BFH, don’t you dare delete this call out comment, not that I think you would, but, just asking ahead of time…

  5. JohnS,
    Crap like that is what pisses off Trump supporters and then the shit starts. If you don’t know better than stop fucking posting it. We get it, you don’t like Trump. Stop fing lying.

  6. I know, as big of pain in the ass you are sometimes I can’t help but like you. I got an appointment with a shrink tomorrow and I’m sending you the bill.

  7. There is no doubt that you and I would have a great time at Percy’s, or the Penny Farthing ,or McSorley’s, or Liley O’Briens, or Malloy’s, or McGee’s, or Cassidy’s or the Pig and Whistle!

    How about we meet at Scalawags and pick the place to learn the uninformed to say ‘whale oil beef hooked’ and know what it means?

  8. Joan, I did. Steroids are for people that can’t train hard or smart. Training methods are quickly out advancing cheating. And I’ve been acused by the wife bridge party, but no.

  9. @Moetom:

    Yes, McLean Avenue! I definitely need to get put more.

    Graffiti in Butler Library, Columbia Universty, ca. 1976:



  10. Useless info here:

    Schizophrenia is getting confused with multiple personality disorder around here. Not the same thing.

    I know because my last GF is still in state custody for the “temporary insanity” of being in a schizophrenic state when she pulled the trigger.

    It’s a “break”, or schism, with reality. You’ve got our own messed up reality going on in your head if you’re schiz-ing. Not a different personality.

    Mostly paranoia. You jump to horrible conclusions and take things in the worst possible way. Never assuming the best of anything while in that condition.

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