Clinton email case far from closure as FBI hands over more classified documents to State – IOTW Report

Clinton email case far from closure as FBI hands over more classified documents to State

WT: The Hillary Clinton email fiasco isn’t ending anytime soon, with State Department officials saying they have no idea when they will finish sorting though and releasing the previously hidden messages.

More classified documents that the former secretary of state improperly handled keep coming to light.

The Trump administration doesn’t even know if it has hunted down every trace of the emails that Mrs. Clinton — a former first lady, U.S. senator, top diplomat and Democratic presidential nominee — sent from a secret email server stashed in her home.

“At this time, we do not have an estimate for completion of processing all of these documents,” a State Department official told The Washington Times.

In February 2016, the State Department completed a review of the roughly 30,000 emails that Mrs. Clinton turned over in December 2014, nearly two years after she left office.  read more here

13 Comments on Clinton email case far from closure as FBI hands over more classified documents to State

  1. “One (email) from Ms. Abedin was nearly completely redacted because it would reveal foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, ”

    Is anyone asking how Huma got her security clearance, or if she even had one?

  2. The two Walker brothers of the Walker Navy spy ring of the 80s have already died in jail. A third, Whitworth, will as well before too long. If convicted (or if even tried), so should HRC if we are living in a country devoid of tiered justice. Hers is an equally outrageous abuse. Of course, the difference is that the Walkers did it for money. Oh, wait. Oh my… No, those were “speaking fees”, “contributions” to the Clinton shell corp etc, for no consideration whatsoever. Uranium-R-Us? Just a facilitated business deal. No gain there. The product of the goodness of a pure heart.

  3. How interesting. More Clinton emails are being disgorged from the FBI and State Dept which show she grossly mishandled op secret, highly confidential information which dealt with US security and that of other counties over a prolonged period of time, then lied about it and tried to destroy the evidence.

    What may well have been a Pakistani spy group with criminal backgrounds for 14 years freely accessed and sent to off site servers all voice, email and electronic documents from 30 Democrat congressional offices including those holding top secret clearances and the head of the DNC. This group was paid 4 times what other IT workers received. The investigation into this group is being slow-walked and obstructed at every point.

    The Wikileaks DNC emails look like an inside job, not a hack.

    The “Russia” investigation is turning up pay to play and election interference on the part of Clinton and the Democrats.

    Illegal unmasking is being revealed as wide spread in the Obama Administration to target political opponents and interfere in the election.

    The Chamber of Commerce is losing its grip on keeping Obamacare in place, maintaining trade deals harmful to the US and keeping its open borders.

    Is it any wonder the “look a squirrel” race baiting is front and center? I, for one, won’t turn on the TV until Charlotteville is no longer a news story.

  4. The republicans are given ALL the power they need to repeal obutt-care and they still refuse to do it.
    Ditto with government having ALL the proof they need to hang Hillary and they still refuse to do it.

  5. State Department Press release of January 2032: “The Department has completed reviewing the documents of the late Secretary Clinton, and will be announcing its recommendations shortly.”

  6. The communists have been playing up Russian/Trump conspiracy 24-7 ever since Trump won. But every single day another Ocommie or Clinton felony is exposed, and nothing from the MSM. With Trump there is not one single document, not one single witness. With Ocommie and Hillary there are enough documents to put them both away for life. And again, nothing from the MSM.

  7. “Thank you for joining me, and here’s the news for August 14, 2067. The former State Dept. has announced they are nearly thru with the release of the last of the late Hillary Clinton emails. For our viewers that are too young, Mz Clinton was involved in keeping emails (long texts) on a government server when she had access to a private server, which is the norm now, but wasn’t fully accepted practice back at the early part of the century. Historians eagerly await the final release of these emails so they can conclude re-writing history.”

  8. Why in the hell is our Department of Justice not all over this like stink on shit?!?! The FBI just turns over documents to the State Department, what the hell for? Those documents, and hundreds others should form the basis for an indictment! Where is Drinking With Bob on this? I miss that guy.

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