Clinton Foundation Board Member Appeared Naked In PLAYBOY, Has Online Ph.D. – IOTW Report

Clinton Foundation Board Member Appeared Naked In PLAYBOY, Has Online Ph.D.

cheryl saban

DAILYCALLER: A member of the Clinton Foundation’s board of directors appeared naked in the April 1979 issue of Playboy magazine and has a Ph.D. from a distance-learning, for-profit college with exactly zero actual classrooms.

The Clinton Foundation board member is Cheryl Saban — “Cheryl Saban, Ph.D.

Saban was married to a deejay going by the name Bobby Ocean in the late 1970s when she embarked on a career as an aspiring disco singer named “Flower.”  MORE

15 Comments on Clinton Foundation Board Member Appeared Naked In PLAYBOY, Has Online Ph.D.

  1. Well since Cankles is on record as telling Slick “leave my tits alone”, poor feller has to go elsewhere. Cry me a river, Slick. You old sick dying POS, and i mean both of the Clintoons.

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