Clinton Foundation Donor Penguin Random House Announces Book Deal with Chelsea Clinton – IOTW Report

Clinton Foundation Donor Penguin Random House Announces Book Deal with Chelsea Clinton

WashingtonFreeBeacon: Penguin Random House, a Clinton Foundation donor, announced its book deal with Chelsea Clinton last week. The book is being published by Philomel, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers.

The publisher donated between $1,000 and $5,000, according to the Clinton Foundation website.

A Clinton Foundation spokesman told the Washington Free Beacon the donation was made in 2007, well before Chelsea’s book advance was announced.

Penguin Random House has not disclosed how much Chelsea’s book advance is worth, but the Clintons have received some of the largest publishing advances in recent history.


28 Comments on Clinton Foundation Donor Penguin Random House Announces Book Deal with Chelsea Clinton

  1. NBC gave her $600K/year with no experience in TV. One can only guess what these clowns will give her.

    There should be a law to disclose who buys these books after only recouping half of $29MM book advances given to Bill & Killiary.

    You would think there would be some transparency after a union was caught stashing thousands of book they purchased from former speaker Jim Wright’s publisher.

    The Clinton’s are the masters of graft.

    I’d like to know if there were bulk purchases of BHO’s books as well.

  2. Young horseface does not trust her parents, and will never use their website for her personal bidness….her intent is to con the Clinton Cartel out of all their money and stash it away, safe from the Hildabeest, SlickWillie, and GoldDigger HumaBooma.

  3. And what will this masterpiece be titled? “Mommy, Daddy, and Baby in Their $6,000,000 That Grandma and Grandpa Bought with the Money They Stole?”

    ROTFLMFAO when she talks about the “challenges” facing “young people” today. I think one of those challenges must surely be not paying attention to such a superficial, ill-informed, and untrustworthy source as Chelsea Clinton.

    Maybe her looks will cause young people to turn away and not listen. Webb Hubbell, you da man!

  4. Because everyone is waiting to hear from another spoiled rich kid from the ultimate privileged family. She is really “down with the shtruggle”.
    Her one and only qualification to write a book is that she came from the womb of Satan’s handmaiden.

  5. What a Goddamn joke this country is becoming. Stop the world because of the snail darter, the delta smelt and all fifty seven fucking transgenders.

    Please get on the Trump wagon and give sanity a fighting chance!

  6. I thought I was posting on Loon Mz. Lofgren. But no matter. My comment fits every problem we have today.
    Watch for Chelsea’s “book” to become required reading in every high school in the US of A receiving federal funds and having transgender showers, bathrooms, etc.

  7. Just running the famous “book sale scam”. The balls on this crime family. They can’t even stop grifting when the spotlight is on them…

    “Rep. Wright, who served from 1955 to 1989, was the first speaker of the U.S. House of Representative to resign under a cloud of misconduct. His ouster was a milestone in the ascendancy of political warfare and the demise of camaraderie in Congress.

    The House ethics committee investigated Rep. Wright after a complaint by Newt Gingrich of Georgia, then a little-known but outspoken Republican congressman. While clearing Rep. Wright of several allegations, the committee cited him for five violations involving gifts and income from bulk sales of his 1984 book, “Reflections of a Public Man…the committee said Rep. Wright had sold his book in bulk on several occasions as a way to evade limits on honoraria and other outside income.”

    Don’t delay, act now!!! Buy a pallet of Chubbell’s scribblings, and 95% of the proceeds go to the Clinton Legal Defense Fund!”

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