Clinton Foundation going for another bite of the Haiti apple – IOTW Report

Clinton Foundation going for another bite of the Haiti apple

PatriotRetort: You know the thing that really frosts me about the Clintons? They’re shameless.

We all know how the Clinton Foundation looted Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. They took in millions upon millions of dollars ostensibly to rebuild the island.

But the only people who benefited from all that cash was the Foundation itself and its wealthy corporate donors.

Oh. And Hillary’s brother Fredo

Wait. That’s not right. His name is Tony. Tony, not Fredo. Silly me.

Here we are six years later, and Bill Clinton is once again shilling for money ostensibly to help with the hurricane relief efforts in Haiti.

Show of hands. Who’s buying that?

6 Comments on Clinton Foundation going for another bite of the Haiti apple

  1. Hahahahahhaha. Lets see how much money is donated this time around. I told my Haiti pal just watch… no help this time from most people thaks to hitlery

  2. @ Carpeye D’um

    Yeeup! Expect illicit activity to increase in all areas. There are no functional brakes in place anywhere in the system.

    I refer you to the latest F.B.I. “investigation” into Clinton’s crimes for exhibit A.

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