Clinton Foundation Staffers Brace Themsleves For Dozens Of Layoffs – IOTW Report

Clinton Foundation Staffers Brace Themsleves For Dozens Of Layoffs

DC: Staffers at the Clinton Global Initiative are bracing themselves for job cuts in the coming weeks, a new report claims.

Two former Clinton Foundation officials — who remain in communication with staff — told Politico Wednesday that the foundation is preparing to lay off dozens of staffers at the end of the year.
Politico credits the cuts to the “concessions made by the Clinton Foundation to controversies swirling around Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

SNIP: That should give them all enough time to delete their emails before they go.

5 Comments on Clinton Foundation Staffers Brace Themsleves For Dozens Of Layoffs

  1. Yeah the Hildabeast and SlickWillie getting rid of any potential whistleblowers….this will give the Cartel time go take sledge hammers in and clean up those pesker computers/servers. This time they better take the hard drives and drop them into Aqua Regia to dissolve all traces. The proficiency of their criminal enterprises is astounding. How people can have such blinders on and not see this borders on Jim Jones type of mass hysteria and brainwashing. Shut up Clintonistas, and drink your grape Koolaid.

  2. Not before they are deposed to answer a lot of criminal charges if we had rule of law.

    Oh wait, the Administration, DOJ, and FBI have decided that laws are for the little people and not Clintons.

  3. Any bets on how many of them suffer unfortunate accidents? You know,falling down the basement stairs or maybe forgetting to open the garage door after starting the car or the all to common choking on a breath of air a very common ailment especially when attempting to states evidence.

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