Regated: A popular video by Dick Morris, an American political author who once served as a political advisor to the White House during the Clinton administration, is making the rounds on social media with a focus on Chelsea Clinton. It makes a lot of bold claims about the character of the daughter of the Democratic Presidential Nominee. As many noted during the Republican National Convention, the apple doesn’t seem to fall from the tree. Dick Morris makes some bold claims about the quality, or lack thereof, of Chelsea. Let’s see how his accusations pan out.

Dick Morris says that Chelsea Clinton started out at the McKinsey & Company worldwide management firm, which is true. The company is successful and a position in their ranks is in high demand. Mr. Morris suggests that her last name helped pave an entryway to Chelsea’s staffing and no one in their right mind is going to refute that. She began at the company in 2003.

After working there for a short time, Chelsea was hired by Avenue Capital Group in 2006, a hedge fund that Dick Morris says was controlled by my donors to the Clinton Foundation. Marc Lasry would be one such example, a board member of the Clinton Foundation and Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Avenue Capital Group. This is really nothing untoward – connections are important in any business. Connections between major money managers and charity organizations are no big deal, right?  MORE


  1. I know this is hardly the point of this post, but, boy howdy. That girl fell out of the ugly tree and hit every single branch on her way down. Give her twenty years and she’ll be the spitting image of her mother.

  2. A major pay to play scam. Get paid a life time salary for doing nothing, by funds capitalized with Clinton donor money. Pay Chelsea and you get to play. Right out in the open.

  3. Multiple “Board of Directors” positions. And at such a tender age. Truly a Savant at directing the path and fortunes of those endeavors. What other reason could there be for such lofty assignments?

  4. The hair and makeup people at the DNC are fucking magicians. They must have applied the makeup with a spackling tool; she was barely recognizable.

    Her speech was a complete non-runner. While Ivanka Trump also provided heartwarming childhood anecdotes about her father, she was able to intersperse them throughout a solid discussion of Trump’s accomplishments as a businessman. Chelsea lacked this luxury, as Hillary has accomplished…..what, exactly? Misplacing The Rose Law Firm billing records? Sleeping through the 3:00 a.m. phone call from Benghazi? Wiping her server clean of 30,000 e-mails?

    My takeaway from Chelsea’s remarks: “Vote for my mom……she has a VAGINA!”

  5. Where did Chelsea’s mop of curly hair go? Based on pics from her childhood Chelsea should be giving DebbieWassermanShultz a run for the title of, “Butter Hair Queen.”

  6. McKinsey is and has been a major donor to the Clintons. They are a NY firm with global reach. Clinton was a NY Senator and Slick Willie has the GI office in Harlem. Working for McKinsey says as much about Chelsea’s abilities as her NBC gig.

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