Clinton Honoree Sentenced To 30 Months In Biggest “Green Energy” Scam In American History – $54 Million – IOTW Report

Clinton Honoree Sentenced To 30 Months In Biggest “Green Energy” Scam In American History – $54 Million

FO: A scam artist who was honored by former President Bill Clinton in 2009 for the Clinton Global Initiative has been sentenced to thirty months in prison for her involvement in a $54 million Ponzi scheme that has been dubbed the biggest green energy scam in American history, in which “many people lost their life savings.”

Amanda Knorr, 35, of Hellertown, Pennsylvania was one of three people who defrauded people out of money in the green energy scam.  She was sentenced to thirty months in federal prison.

According to NBC New York:

Knorr co-founded a company called Mantria Corp., which with the help of a slick-talking Colorado “wealth advisor” raised millions for a supposed clean energy product called “biochar.”

Knorr and fellow Mantria co-founder Troy Wragg both graduated in 2005 from Temple University and within four years had raised $54 million from hundreds of investors. Most of the investors were wooed through seminars run by Wayde McKelvey, of Colorado.

Their pitch about producing biochar, however, turned out to be completely baked, according to prosecutors, and eventually proved to be a giant Ponzi scheme.  more here

15 Comments on Clinton Honoree Sentenced To 30 Months In Biggest “Green Energy” Scam In American History – $54 Million

  1. “At least those who lost everything were Global Warmists. Fools and their money…”

    Yeah, not necessarily. Over the years I’ve made a fair amount of money investing in Google, Facebook and Amazon, all of which are run by strident narrow minded progressives who created an environment of liberty hatred and free speech suppression within their own company.

    Although closed down now, I remember many times driving by the Solyndra plant in Fremont, both during it’s hay day and after it was exposed as a green boondoggle. They had no business plan but did have the imprimatur of a gullible Obama administration so full speed ahead.

  2. For $54 mill all she gets is 30 months? It’s Federal so unless she made a deal she’s out in 27. Some of the money was returned to early investors (the usual Ponzi) but they are out still a little over $37 million that can’t be found. I wonder whether a full accounting has been done or if she and her partner had hidden millions away and will live quite well after they get out of what will likely be a minimum security “country club” facility.

    In a Ponzi scheme I gather that money paid to the earlier investors has to be paid back into a fund to compensate all the investors based on how much they paid into into it so at least everyone should get at least some of the investment back.

  3. @Rich Taylor April 10, 2019 at 11:27 am

    ” did have the imprimatur of a gullible Obama administration”

    There may have been supporters of the Obama administration that were gullible but members of it were well versed in the ways of fleecing and scamming both the gullible and the taxpayer.

    Calling this the biggest green energy scam in history is laughable. Climate change, global warming, ozone holes, solar panels, wind power and on and on, all fake. Fake numbers, fake science, fake conclusions, fake concern, fake people. Green energy is the scam.


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