Clinton Spokesman To Trump: ‘Go F^^k Yourself’ – IOTW Report

Clinton Spokesman To Trump: ‘Go F^^k Yourself’

My My! Such a vulgar word.

Daily Caller: A foreign policy spokesman for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign had tough words for Donald Trump during Sunday’s presidential debate.

“Go f**k yourself,” Jesse Lehrich wrote on Twitter during the contentious debate.

Lehrich, a longtime Democratic operative, was responding to an exchange in which Trump said that he would not have sent American troops into Iraq and that, because of that, Army Capt. Humayun Khan would still be alive.
….And then Jesse got spanked

10 Comments on Clinton Spokesman To Trump: ‘Go F^^k Yourself’

  1. But but but …… I thought when the moral positions of the opposition went low, the democrats went high (at least Hitlery claimed that her bestest buddy in the world, Michelle Obama, told her that was how it was done).

    Hopefully, this debate and the thousands of coarse and vulgar tweets by Hillary supporters like this one will prove to the average person that the whole pro wrestling style kerfuffle about Trump’s 11 year old comments was planned and orchestrated by the proven loyal Hillary supporters (aka “the media”) as well as the “secret” loyal Hillary supporters (aka establishment “republicans”).

  2. You know you are winning when liberals resort to cuss words and personal attacks. She nor supporters can talk issues, many more meltdowns will come between now and Nov 8.

  3. Here’s an idea: how about I trademark “GFY” and “gfy” and then selectively enforce against libtard assholes like this guy?

    I would look into it if I had more time/money.

  4. I suspect that one of Clinton’s Gestapo saw the tweet and ordered Lehrich to immediately retract with an apology as it hurt the line of attack on Trump over his tapes of locker room talk.

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