Clinton to join Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs – IOTW Report

Clinton to join Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs

JTN: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will join the staff of Columbia University as a professor of practice, teaching at the School of International and Public Affairs, the University announced Thursday.

“I have had the great pleasure of knowing Hillary personally for three decades, since her early days as First Lady of the United States,” wrote President Lee C. Bollinger in the announcement. “Her public service has expanded since then, most notably in her remarkably successful tenure as Senator for the State of New York, in her impressive role as Secretary of State, and in her two historic and record-breaking presidential campaigns.”

“Given her extraordinary talents and capacities together with her singular life experiences, Hillary Clinton is unique, and, most importantly, exceptional in what she can bring to the University’s missions of research and teaching, along with public service and engagement for the public good,” he continued. more

10 Comments on Clinton to join Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs

  1. What bullshit. Like her “14 million book sale” (the books are probably in a warehouse someone, unsold). Clinton is like Epstein: she has dirt on everyone. When she finally dies, wait till the logjam opens.

  2. How to fuck over the sheep and how to operate world wide terrorism for drugs, children, human trafficking, pedophilia, and profit. 101
    Or, it’s just to launder more money.

  3. Can you believe this shit:

    President Lee C. Bollinger in the announcement. “Her public service has expanded since then, most notably in her remarkably successful tenure as Senator for the State of New York, in her impressive role as Secretary of State, and in her two historic and record-breaking presidential campaigns.”


    Impressive role a Sec. State? Yeah, Benghazi was a real success.

    Record breaking presidential campaigns? What records? Passing out on the campaign trail?


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