Clip Of Bearded Trans Lady ‘Rabbi’ Heckling Biden Has Megyn Kelly In Stitches – IOTW Report

Clip Of Bearded Trans Lady ‘Rabbi’ Heckling Biden Has Megyn Kelly In Stitches

Daily Caller: A YouTube clip of a transgender heckler claiming to be a rabbi demanding a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas had Megyn Kelly laughing Thursday.

The heckler interrupted President Joe Biden during a speech at a fundraising event Wednesday in Minnesota identifying as a rabbi and said he wanted the president to “call for a cease-fire” immediately. The president responded by saying he wanted a pause in fighting “to get the prisoners out” of Gaza. more

13 Comments on Clip Of Bearded Trans Lady ‘Rabbi’ Heckling Biden Has Megyn Kelly In Stitches

  1. A bearded trans lady rabbi, that’s quite the freak combo. You can’t make this shit up anymore, it’s getting to be so ridiculous and almost comical and tragic at the same time. What next, I’m sure some freak somewhere else will outdo this oddball in something even freakier. I really think God in a way is laughing at all these freaks who have become so lost in their denial of him that he’s given them over to their freakiness because of their sins. God help this absolute fool, no one else will.

  2. As the past few years have shown, there is no level of depravity, disingenuousness or shame that the Left and in particular these Freakazoids from the Island of Busted-Ass Toys will not stoop to!!

  3. Obviously, this queer is a big fan of Bette Midler.

    “Rabbi Hocus Pocus” proves God’s Word is so true;
    Romans 1:28, The Holy Bible
    28, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.”
    How inconvenient it is for a man to wear a beard while pretending to be a woman, dressed in women’s clothes and underwear, makeup, curly Princess Leia hair puffs, a yarmulke and convinced that is acceptable behavior.
    Only a fool, a resident of Clown World would think so. Just another freak constituent encouraged by Dementia Joe.


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