Clown College: COVID-19 Mandates Reinstated – IOTW Report

Clown College: COVID-19 Mandates Reinstated

COVID-19 Mandates are Back: Atlanta-Based Morris Brown College Reinstates Masks Mandates, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Contact Tracing Effective Immediately Despite No Reported COVID-19 Cases on Campus.

GP: Morris Brown College, a private institution in Atlanta, has announced that it will require students and employees to wear face masks on campus once again.

The decision comes just a week after classes began and will be in effect for two weeks.

The announcement was made on Sunday in a letter to faculty, staff, and students, citing “reports of positive cases among students in the Atlanta University Center” as the reason behind the decision, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Morris Brown President Kevin James informed the news outlet via email on Monday that there have been no reports of COVID-19 cases on Morris Brown’s campus itself. He characterized the measures as “precautionary” in nature. MORE

22 Comments on Clown College: COVID-19 Mandates Reinstated

  1. Had Covid a year ago by eating it. It acted like a moderate gastro-intestinal bug for a week without me even thinking it might be Covid. Migrated to my chest and by day 9, I needed an inhaler. Got over it with a somewhat altered digestive track (enzymes).

    Got re-exposed three weeks ago and had a loose cough for a week, nothing else. Antibodies worked just great. Sure glad I never got their ‘vaxxine’ bio-weapon.

    These people can literally bend over and kiss my 72 year-old butt!

  2. CLUE: If you don’t get tested for the Chinese Flu, you’ll never know you had it; it’ll be just “some bug going around.” Too, it means that TPTB will have to make-up their data to show the “public health crisis”, and those kind of actions will not stay hidden in the long run.

  3. Been continuing with my supplement routine since mid 2020. Zinc, D3, Vitamin C.

    Haven’t been sick at all even though my two housemates both had it, several people at church had it and my older sister and little brother had it (and I was around them at the time).

  4. Claudia , Didn’t you have surgery on your back sometime ago ? Have an almost photographic memory and do remember that for a brief time you weren’t allowed access to your kitties . Happy to see that since then you are thriving! Thanks be to God, Amen

  5. @gray john, I have no intention of being compliant; just as I did before. The tyrants really want to finish us and the United States of America off badly, don’t they?

  6. The ONLY people that will voluntarily comply are Libtards. And they will try and force us to comply. It is a fight they have been planning for years. It’s going to be Aussie 2.0 right here. It gives them justification for shooting Trump supporters in their homes.

  7. People need to quit saying “they have had COVID”

    Because the “COVID-19 virus” was never isolated and the PCR tests are totally fraudulent, it’s impossible for anyone to claim they ever had anything called “COVID”.

    It’s FAKE.


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