Clown Costumes Are “SYMBOLS OF TERROR” – IOTW Report

Clown Costumes Are “SYMBOLS OF TERROR”

FOX5: NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — A Connecticut school district is banning clown costumes and any “symbols of terror” during this year’s Halloween season as authorities investigate the authenticity of a number of clown-related social media posts.

New Haven Public School officials said Monday principals and building leaders have been requested to ban the costumes until additional information is available.

This comes amid an investigation involving police into an account on the photo-sharing social media site Instagram. The account uploaded four photos showing menacing-looking clowns with captions telling several area schools to “watch out” and “wait and see” whether the alleged threats are fake.

School officials say there’s no indication the incident poses any real threat to students at this time.

17 Comments on Clown Costumes Are “SYMBOLS OF TERROR”

  1. Lord help us. We have fallen so far into imbecility and paranoia that we have people in positions of authority and power who are terrified by clowns. I can understand not liking clowns, but anybody who is terrified by them has a problem best looked at by a psychiatrist.

  2. > School officials say there’s no indication the incident poses any real threat to students at this time.

    Oh contrare! There is a reel and imminent threat that without clowny intervention, students will be allowed to return to the New Haven school district.

  3. Heard about the clown costume ban in New Haven.

    It’s a damned good thing I don’t live there. I’d be all up in the school board’s grille about how this ban is not constitutional (freedom of expression, anyone?) and who the eff are they to tell my child he can’t wear the Halloween costume of his choice?

  4. A gay rights parade is a hell of a lot scarier, and they would cheer for that. Clowns must be a different kind of queer. They would all be a lot funnier if they were covered with tar and feathers.

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