Clown With Fake Gun Flees Woman With Real One – IOTW Report

Clown With Fake Gun Flees Woman With Real One

Breitbart: On Wednesday night a clown in an SUV put his hands in the shape of a gun, pointed them at a woman, mouthed the words “bang,” then sped off when she pulled a real gun and pointed it toward him.

The incident occurred around 5:30 pm in Auburn, Georgia.

According to the Lewiston-Auburn Sun Journal, the woman was sitting on her porch when the SUV stopped in front of her house. “The vehicle’s rear window went down” and a “scary clown” was in the backseat.  MORE

10 Comments on Clown With Fake Gun Flees Woman With Real One

  1. This occurred in Auburn, GA where the population has exploded in recent years to more than 7,000 people (20 years ago it might have had 1,000 people). It is still a pretty rural area and most of the growth came from new subdivisions with people mostly wanting to get out of nearby Gwinnett County (high taxes, corrupt govt. and too many invaders overrunning the place).

    Obviously there are still some good ol’ down to earth rednecks ready to “bus’ a cap in a clown’s ass” if need be.

  2. Apparently the by-line is incorrect. It appears to have been Auburn Maine:

    The original story I read a day or so ago said Auburn, GA as well though (I’m pretty sure it was the same Breitbart story linked but they have surreptitiously changed the location to Maine now). I shoulda guessed it wasn’t Auburn, GA since the clown was still breathing when last seen.

  3. Years ago my grandmother had a friend who owned a dog. This was in Newark, New Jersey, which did the pooper-scooper law thing way before NYC.

    The woman took an old pocketbook and picked up the dog’s poop and put it in. This spared her the indignity of having to walk down the street carrying a plastic bag full of crap. When she got home she would empty the pocketbook into her compost pile and hang the bag on a nail in her gardening shed.

    This was Newark. Predictably, some thug jacked her pocketbook–AFTER the dog had taken his dump. The sole injury to the little old lady was the gut she busted laughing!

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