Clown World – IOTW Report

Clown World

23 Comments on Clown World

  1. Oh good Lord


    Friday, May 14, 2021
    The Chief Nose Wetter Checking In

    First of all I want to thank everyone and apologize for going zero dark thirty. This blog exceeded 17 million visitors recently. It has been a pleasure to entertain you over the years. I don’t know if it is a curse or a blessing that so many people appreciate my twisted humor. Personally I think you are all a bunch of sick fuckers like myself. Don’t ever change.

    So everybody is wondering what happened to all my posts? After a couple double vodkas last night I began to look at my posts. Most of the people, memes, and videos and what I saw in them disgusted me. I began deleting them one by one. After another double vodka I ended up deleting all the content of the entire blog. It was like a hot epsom salt bath exorcism of evil, a major cleansing. It actually felt good to be looking at a clean slate, NOTHING!

    So where do we go from here?

    I have decided to take a break from blogging for a bit. it may be a day, week, month or year I am uncertain. But one thing is certain. I raise my glass and toast all of you men and women who cherish their freedom, liberty and health during this ongoing crisis.

  2. Ha ha!!! Anchorage Assembly votes to ditch mask mandate – likely to be seen as doing it before mayoral candidate Bronson, who may very well win the special election, could – and POS Assembly member gets caught doing the same to Jamie Allard, one of the two only Assembly members worthy of serving their peeps.

    Remember this fabulous freedom fighter: Jamie Allard!

  3. I went to the Town Square outdoor mall today here in Vegas.
    People still walking around outdoors in masks.
    There were a few like me, maskless, and even one store I visited that didn’t mandate masks.
    I made sure to praise them and made a purchase.

    Most stores I visited that required them, I entered wearing one and then took it off as I shopped.
    Nobody said nothing to me while maskless.

    This whole ordeal has been VERY enlightening.
    We are doomed to ignorance.
    Schools teach HATRED for the USA, not that we were once bad-assed motherfuckers that took no shit from nobody.
    S A D

  4. An single, elderly woman with a bad hip in my neighborhood compulsively cuts her grass about every three days. She also goes out most every day and wipes non-existent dirt off her shiny yellow car that she hardly drives while talking to herself and rubbing her body on it. “Nasty dirt!” And of course, she wears a mask outside for everything, including her daily walk, wearing ear muffs and a head wrap in warm weather. She’s clearly OCD, senile and a bit demented. But, c’mon man, she’s safe in her mask, her grass is cut (to death – with dandelions hacked out) and her car will always be clean while its paint slowly disappears. And you guessed it, she’s a Democrat and has been vaccinated. Oy vey.

  5. @Brad

    Stopped at a light tonight and saw A nice Left hand drive Rare Ferrari out cruising slowly. Looking for attention.

    Normally I’d give him a nod and my son would seriously look over the car. The Idiot was by himself, windows up, masked up wearing medical cloves. So we gave him the Idiot Head shake instead.

    Unfortunately, My kid is becoming an offensive prick like myself.

  6. @JDHasty

    Be who you are.
    Don’t regret what you say.
    Vent your frustrations. It is Cathartic & better that keeping it in. (as long as it does not put you in a bad place mentally)
    Your opinions are just as important as anyone else’s.


  7. While driving to get breakfast burritos (chorizo, egg, cheese, YUM!) on Zaragoza Rd. this morning I saw a guy(?) on a Harley, no helmet (good for him) but, you guessed it, a mask. Some pretty f’d up folks around here, no? Wait til all the illegal aliens make their way out here to the burbs. Lock ‘n load!!

  8. @Badco

    He’s A Rebel!
    No guvmint gonna tell me I caynt Put ma hed threw a front grill of a Peterbuilt.

    I used to ride. Honestly I wore a full helmet to eat less bugs and reduce eye watering & dust. I guess I’m a Pussy.
    Unlike Ben Roethlisberger.

  9. I had a woman who was wearing a mask walk up to me outside and say to me ” You should be wearing a mask!!!” …..My answer to her was ” I didn’t feel the need to stroke your neurosis”

  10. Took my son & his fiance to lunch a couple of weeks ago. The parking lot was packed. But, the sad thing was we saw 3 different cars with surgical masks covering the vents. Lemmings in my town, even though we are nowhere near the sea.

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