ClownMedia: Washington Post reporter troubled by ‘racist legacy’ of some birds – IOTW Report

ClownMedia: Washington Post reporter troubled by ‘racist legacy’ of some birds


According to The Washington Post, it’s hunting season for cancel culture and its latest targets are “racist” birds. 

The Post ran an expansive report on Thursday, titled “The racist legacy many birds carry,” focused on the “birding community,” which apparently is having a difficult debate “about the names of species connected to enslavers, supremacists and grave robbers.”

“Corina Newsome is a Black ornithologist, as rare as some of the birds she studies,” Post environmental justice reporter Darryl Fears began his piece, noting she was hired to “break down barriers” at the Georgia Audubon nature preserve. 

“But overcoming those barriers will be daunting. As with the wider field of conservation, racism and colonialism are in ornithology’s DNA, indelibly linked to its origin story. The challenge of how to move forward is roiling White ornithologists as they debate whether to change as many as 150 eponyms, names of birds that honor people with connections to slavery and supremacy.”

Fears wrote that birds such as Bachman’s sparrow and Wallace’s fruit dove “bear the names of men who fought for the Southern cause, stole skulls from Indian graves for pseudoscientific studies that were later debunked, and bought and sold Black people.” more here

26 Comments on ClownMedia: Washington Post reporter troubled by ‘racist legacy’ of some birds

  1. Dat mofo burb OFF THE CHAIN, YO!

    “What would you have it re-namned, Ms/mr/he/them/she/shem?”

    “I be rename dat shit, ‘OFF DUH CHAIN BURB, and SHIT'”.

    “Thank you — whatever you are…”

  2. Shut the fuck uo, birdbrain.
    Go to Venezuela or Cuba – or China (which would not want you because of your race). Enough of these fucking grifters.

  3. “stole skulls from Indian graves ….”

    Honestly, I had no idea that was bad. If I had known that somehow my actions could have been misconstrued as racist…if I had been made aware of this local regional taboo…I can assure you that I would have only stolen 6 or 9 instead of the hundreds of Indian skulls I have lining the walls of my study.

    Everything is racist nowadays.

  4. Race hustlers are tiresome. They all want their fifteen minutes of race hustling fame and they are just making up crazy stuff to get in on the anti-white bandwagon.

  5. Left Coast Dan
    JUNE 6, 2021 AT 11:22 PM
    “Surprised she didn’t go after the Washington Post for being named after a slave owner.”

    …and the post. There have been whipping posts. Black men have been whipped on whipping post before. This means the very word “post” is triggering and MUST be canceled.

    …and reporting. There’s a horrible legacy of reporters a couple hundred years ago saying nice things about slavery, and even in the recent past reporters on the Washington Post have praised Klansmen like Democrat Senator Robert Byrd. This means reporting is forever stained and MUST be ended.

    …and writing. Do you know that you can write the word “slavery” just like they did in the plantation days? This means that WRITING must be canceled IMME

  6. Sharpton’s Sap Sucker and The Wincing Smollet are two more examples of new birb names. Don’t forget Chauvin’s Fainting Floyd, noted for its familiar cry that sounds like “I can’t breathe”.

  7. Burr, have shovel, will desecrate
    JUNE 7, 2021 AT 1:09 AM
    “stole skulls from Indian graves ….”

    …I notice they don’t specify they were the skulls of Indians. Did anyone check? Maybe they were the skulls of palefaces they killed and kept as trophies, and THAT, according to Lefty rules, would make it OK…

  8. All the time that these evil white people were doing evil things what were the black people doing in Africa that was so much better? The white race is being demonized for contemporary thinking of the day.for doing things that while now understood as vile and wrong were more acceptable in that time. African slaves had no choice of how they lived being prisoners to the great evil of slavery. So I look to the free men,the free African society of the past and ask how were they living, what were their customs, beliefs and practices that set them apart as a greater less evil race? You see none of my ancestors were slave owners and no one since slavery was abolished has been, and sadly but naturally there has been a long slow curve for equal treatment of slave ancestors, in my lifetime I have seen much progress. But the past cannot be undone it is history, the present is our story and it seems few lessons have been learned for some.
    Slave descents should understand their ancestors were no better than mine. Let each generation work to change their behavior and the future will be better. If men keep hating and seeking revenge there is no progress.

  9. …and all the while there’s an ad just to the right on this very Web site for a book called “The White Bird”, and you know THAT must be rayyyciss or something, lets ask that guy who thinks construction cranes = nooses what HE thinks about it, him or the SPLC, bet they’d HATE it…

  10. The other me JUNE 7, 2021 AT 8:59 AM
    “… If men keep hating and seeking revenge there is no progress.”

    …all according to plan. You could say the Democrats or you could say satans, since they are basically one and the same at this point, both interested in dividing Gods kingdom to place it under their own power and for no other reason than they think they should rule in God’s place…

  11. Are they going to ban playing White Bird by It’s A Beautiful Day from the progressive FM airwaves now. And what about White Bird, Idaho and the old White Bird grade going down to the Salmon River on US 95 towards Riggins, Idaho. I think White Bird was the name of a Native American Indian who fought the against the US Army in the 1870’s.

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