CLUELESS: Howard Dean Doesn’t Understand Latest Hillary Scandal As MSNBC Reporter Explains It To Him – IOTW Report

CLUELESS: Howard Dean Doesn’t Understand Latest Hillary Scandal As MSNBC Reporter Explains It To Him

Who was it that Dean said had a coke problem?

AL: Former DNC chairman Howard Dean recently appeared on MSNBC and looked completely foolish as he didn’t understand the latest allegation of “Quid Pro Quo” between the FBI and the State Department in the investigation of HIllary’s illegal email server.

The Washington Free Beacon reported:

Howard Dean Was Really Not Ready for This MSNBC Interview

Thomas Roberts asked Dean to comment on this new release and explain how Clinton’s presidential campaign was going to get in front of the story.

Dean was confused from the outset, seeming to think it was related to the WikiLeaks release of John Podesta’s messages.

“This sounds like nothing. Who’s saying this?” Dean said. “This is nothing. The last couple of batches e-mails have revealed exactly nothing now. Who is pushing this notion?”

Roberts was trying to interject to let Dean know that he was asking about the FBI documents, not WikiLeaks, but Dean would not let him speak.

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9 Comments on CLUELESS: Howard Dean Doesn’t Understand Latest Hillary Scandal As MSNBC Reporter Explains It To Him

  1. Dean is falling on his sword for “the cause.”
    He is willing to suffer humiliation and detestation to protect and defend the destruction of America by the Globaloney-ists.

    I warrant that he’d agree to be publicly hanged if it would further the aims of the “movement.”

    He would certainly not balk at ordering the murder of the “opposition.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It’s not that he was confused its that he is programmed to use specific words and phrases and if anyone asks anything he hasn’t been scripted to answer, this is the result. Much like Obama when he goes off TelePrompTer. ‘Hum, stutter, stammer, lousy vocabulary, & etc.”

    Notice pathological liar Hillary, who has spent years in the public eye, reacts differently. Like a really ticked off Mafia boss. When she is caught, her eyes narrow, mouth tightens like a sphincter, and she looks down and turns her back on the audience. Sometimes she heads for a stool or podium and can be seen faux writing on a pad. I’d like to see that pad. Incantations?

    Puppets just can’t talk or think for themselves, no matter how human they think they are.

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