Clueless Republicans Jim Inhofe, Tim Scott will not object – IOTW Report

Clueless Republicans Jim Inhofe, Tim Scott will not object

CFP: “My job on Wednesday is clear, and there are only two things I am permitted to do under the Constitution: ensure the electors are properly certified and count the electoral votes, even when I disagree with the outcome,” Inhofe said in the statement. “To challenge a state’s certification, given how specific the Constitution is, would be a violation of my oath of office—that is not something I am willing to do and is not something Oklahomans would want me to do.”

In a separate statement, Scott said he will also vote to certify Biden as winner of the Electoral College.

“As I read the Constitution, there is no constitutionally viable means for the Congress to overturn an election wherein the states have certified and sent their Electors,” Scott said in a statement first obtained by Axios. more

26 Comments on Clueless Republicans Jim Inhofe, Tim Scott will not object

  1. WTF are they talking about??? Cheating goes against the Constitution of both the US and the states. They never bothered to ASK questions!

    Would Tim Scott, for example, be okay if every Republican poll observer that was thrown out were black and called ‘niggers’? – and the same election fraud happened on top of it? He would be pitching a fit right now.


  2. Jim Inhofe will now forever be known as “The Oklahoma Pussy.”

    Tim Scott is a BRINO (Black Republican In Name Only) and can kiss my delish cotton pickin’ ass! Is that racist?

    MJA. How about they die in a MAGMA landslide? LOL!

  3. “To challenge a state’s certification, given how specific the Constitution is, would be a violation of my oath of office”

    I wish people would mention specific sections and wording of the Constitution when they refer to it.

    More often than not, I find people ignorant of what it actually says and just repeating something someone else told them about what it says, and probably a someone that got his information the same way. Senators and Congressmen are most certainly not immune to doing this.

  4. Not one bit surprised about Inhofe, he’s establishment down to his old bones. I’ve called him numerous of times, but I knew it was a waste of my time, just like all the times I’ve called him about other things over the years, the one I call about year after year is voting for McConnell.

    We had younger and more conservative candidates in the primaries, but either voters are stupid or he was already pre-determined the winner.

    I called again after his statement and left a voicemail, which is exactly more pleasant than his rude staff that answers the phones. If you don’t sing his praises they are always rude, even if you’re just expressing how you want him to vote on upcoming legislation. Anyway, I informed him that for the first time ever I left him a rude message. I told him his old ass has spent too much time with his nose stuck up McConnell’s ass, waiting for those Chinese coins to fall out that he forgot where he came from. That he took an oath to defend our country from foreign and domestic enemies of which both were involved in this fraudulent election. That I get it though, an oath doesn’t pave the way for him to leave his family very well off like that Chinese money falling out of McConnell’s ass. That if he had an ounce of morals in his body he never would have ran for office again, probably got in from the same crooked machines the democrats used, but since he’s incapable of doing his job then he should do the right thing and retire and let somebody in there that cares about the country, not lining their pockets with Chinese money.

    So if I disappear, I guess we’ll know why. I’ve called too many of these criminals lately.

  5. 99- I never liked him. He’s Nikki Haley in a dress. But more whiney.
    The type of dude that would start crying, call you racist and then call the cops if you told him they ran out of shrimp at a buffet.

  6. “ensure the electors are properly certified”

    What is the proper way to certify electors chosen by a fraudulent election?

    “would be a violation of my oath of office—that is not something I am willing to do”

    Most of what Congress creatures do is a violation of their oath. That includes certifying a fraudulent election.

  7. …bro, do you even know what “Certify” means?


    attest or confirm in a formal statement.”

    …I certify Federally audited process instruments all the time. It means I have to follow a procedure that ensures certain statutory standards are met BEFORE I put my signature on it attesting on my good name that I have done so, under penalty of perjury if there’s an issue or an audit and it comes out that I did not do my due diligence.

    It does NOT mean I rubber stamp it just because someone else tells me it’s good to go.

    Think for a minute, if you can. What’s the POINT of asking you to vote to accept certification if you’re not allowed to question it in any way, or have no ability to not simply accept it?

    That makes your role completely pointless.

    And while that may be the case for YOU, I do not believe that was the intent here. This is a check step made for days such as these, that government may not be railroaded into accepting a fraud that affects not ONE state, but ALL of them.

    It’s kind of the heart of the Federal idea that ALL the governed need to have some say in whose governing them, not just a handful of highly suspect states.

    You’re a representative.

    So represent the people who sent YOU.

    If that duty is overwhelming to you, resign immediately.

    If not, then go out there and DO YOUR DAMM JOB.

    This will not stand, with your consent or without it.

    So sack up and stop doing whats “safe”, and do what’s “right” instead.

    After all, its YOUR name going on THIS certificate.

    And I think you may find there’s worse penalties than jail for those that betray their Nation to enemies foreign, and domestic, and put their writ to doing so…

  8. There all pieces of shit. Last night while Trump is campaigning for his wife, Kelly Loeffler, Jeffery Sprecher announced his exchange company would not honor Trumps EO against Chinese Companies with military connections. That couple has more money than God, and they’ve made it during her campaign. What gives?

  9. There are 50 states in our country. Each contains a number of counties. Out of ALL 50 STATES, only ONE had ZERO counties that went to Biden. Care to guess which one?


    He is basically telling his constituents “Screw you” and trying to come away looking like a principled statesman while doing it.

  10. gin blossom- truth!
    When he got elected, the republicans didn’t promote him as the first senator of whatever carolina. HE DID. It’s embarrassing.
    300 fucking years later, tons of black millionaires, bidness owners, team owners, politicians, presidents (here and beyond) and black people are still like- “FIRST!!!”

    and act like you’ve earned it for being you and not for being black.

  11. It all seems like political theater but the end game is to get Trump out. Everyone is positioning themselves with their own interests in mind. Some are motivated to get Trump’s base for the future and some are motivated to keep the powers that be happy and see that as more important than relying on voters. POTUS has to have something explosive to blow this up. WTH is the DNI report? The Kraken?

  12. @TN Tuxedo,
    He’s always told us “screw you,” until it comes election time. Oh, he’s voted for some good things over the years, he votes well enough to get him A’s from the 2nd amendment groups and the pro-life groups, but nobody pays attention to all the times he makes sure bills don’t get to a vote if they really matter.

    He obviously had money to burn this campaign season as you couldn’t turn on the radio or tv without hearing a commercial against his democrat opponent. Now he doesn’t even have to pretend anymore because he’s so old he probably won’t even live out his last term, so he’s not looking to ever be re-elected.

  13. My E-Mail to Tim Scott

    Even though I lived in Oregon when you ran for Senate, I supported you because I THOUGHT you were a Republican. Now as it turns out you’re just a RINO! I’m done supporting RINOs you left us TRUE CONSERVATIVES out in the cold and we won’t for get it!

    I chose the yes for RESPONSE but don’t send some POS boilerplate BS email if that’s all you have. I’m done with you!

  14. Exactly, MJA. Scott’s a annoying jerk. He was probably a bespeckled, fat nerd in high school who vowed revenge for being rejected – deciding to gain political power by any means.
    He’s a selfish, misaligned ass, whose ruled by his insecurities. Scott could care less about what happens to this country.


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