CNBC’s Santelli To ‘Meet the Press’ Panel : ‘On Election Night, I Never Saw You So Unhappy’ – IOTW Report

CNBC’s Santelli To ‘Meet the Press’ Panel : ‘On Election Night, I Never Saw You So Unhappy’

Breitbart: Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” during a panel discussion about the alleged Russian hacking efforts intended to influence November’s presidential election, CNBC contributor Rick Santelli took on a panel led by show moderator Chuck Todd and consisting of New York Times columnist David Brooks, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell and former Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD).

During the discussion, Santelli accused Todd of “picking sides” and dismissed Mitchell’s defense of the attention given to the Russian hacking controversy by the media.

Partial transcript as follows:

DAVID BROOKS: Putin is a guy who murders journalists, who has destroyed the democratic process in his own country and now suddenly he feels the freedom to try to do that in our country. It’s not normal statecraft.


RICK SANTELLI: To see Russians happy because Trump won — on election night, I never saw you so unhappy. You pick sides. Everybody picks sides.

ANDREA MITCHELL: That’s not true, Rick.

CHUCK TODD: Who picks sides?

MITCHSLL: That’s just not true. Let’s get back to the facts here.

SANTELLI: What are the facts? We were hacking [Angela] Merkel’s phone. Everybody does it.  MORE

8 Comments on CNBC’s Santelli To ‘Meet the Press’ Panel : ‘On Election Night, I Never Saw You So Unhappy’

  1. They didn’t pick sides?



  2. That Andrea Mitchell is so dispicible and deplorable, that she must be a closet Trump supporter.

    She joins the ranks with Megan Kelly, Shepherd Smith, Don Lemon, Sharpton, Obama and the rest living in an ALT universe.

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