CNN Anchor Begs Liberals To Stop Harassing Trump Supporters: ‘It Is Helping Donald Trump!’ – IOTW Report

CNN Anchor Begs Liberals To Stop Harassing Trump Supporters: ‘It Is Helping Donald Trump!’

DC: CNN’s Brooke Baldwin went on a rant against liberals harassing and discriminating against Trump supporters and staffers Monday on CNN.

A former Jimmy Carter staffer was on Baldwin’s show and shrugged off the recent harassment of press secretary Sarah Sanders at a Virginia restaurant. “I would not have protested against Sarah Sanders, but I’ve been in that situation myself as a former White House staffer, that goes with the territory,” the Carter staffer said.

In response, Baldwin pleaded with him saying that type of behavior “is helping” president Trump. Baldwin listed a long series of Trump staff who have been harassed in recent days before saying, “the Sarah Sanders episode over the weekend — It is helping Donald Trump. Let me say that again, it is helping — for the people who are praising it, it’s helping him.” Baldwin pleaded, “I know you want to jump back in, he has a 90% approval rating among Republicans. So what do you do with that number?”  Watch

24 Comments on CNN Anchor Begs Liberals To Stop Harassing Trump Supporters: ‘It Is Helping Donald Trump!’

  1. Yup, your attacks are making Trump stronger. It must be terribly frustrating for you shitstains but on the bright side you are providing endless entertainment for us!
    Bet you are feeling stupid and helpless about now, thats because you are.

  2. They got “woke” way too late — fortunately, for us. That ship sailed away a long time ago, Brooke Baldwin. Keep up, Miss CNN Anchor-person.

    They tipped the narrative — the Left and their lapdog propagandists — by declaring outright war against us low these 513 days. And now they think that by ceasing their ceaseless barrage they are in danger of losing the battle for hearts and minds?

    “Fire, Ready, Aim!”

  3. Everything libturds do backfires on them. It’s because they react to emotion over reality. Look at the myriad of “fixes” they’ve legislated over the years, every one of them is a failure. Social security, Medicare, Medicaid, consumer protection, gun control, etc. The left simply suck.



    Sending that to my son the eye doc who is transitioning to conservatism…
    Amazing what happens to them when they start paying “Huge” taxes and serving the bints in public who bitch about their free stuff.

  5. Liberal nastiness is ‘helping’ to impel the Trump MAGA Express like I would if I stood on the side of the tracks and blew at the last car of an Amtrak that just passed me at 80MPH.

    The Ivy Leagues, with their leftists MaGoo Perfessers like Fauxahauntas made Stupid this large! They can’t fathom how offensive and insular they are to the rest of us.

  6. “Not because it’s wrong, but because it helps Trump.” Bingo.

    Boobs Baldwin only has situational ethics. I’m not sure any of them realize there’s a problem with that.

  7. Well if it isn’t Merry Poppet. I remember you. You’re that gal who…um… walks and talks…. probably wears a shirt….

    Anyway, KOKO the talking gorilla has died. Some of us think it was murther.
    Other than that it’s just been the same old same old. How are things with you?

  8. Aaron Burr! Good to see you in here again. Did poor Koko sign any last words for posterity? I think she was pining for Harambe and suicided.

    I do wear a shirt. Sometimes with pants. 🙂

  9. The suspicious and untimely death of KOKO the talking gorilla was strangely overlooked at this illustrious and all knowing website.

    Which just confirms my suspicions that this place is totally in on the scam and is probably run by bots from Russia….. possibly Kazakhstan.

    Anyway, KOKO’s last sign had something to do with Professor Plum in the library which linguists believe is monkey talk for “I’m suffering a myocardial infarction”. terribly sad…

    But yes! Pleasant to see you again and I’m glad the pants deal is working out for you.

    P.S. I’m working on a KOKO/Harabe “together in heaven” t shirt as we speak.

  10. Nothing about her heroin habit….. suspicious….

    But yes, I’m copying the heart/rainbow/fireworks logo from Love American Style. It will be quite lovely.

    However, I really do need to clear out all these old “I squeal for Allah” bacon fat and shredded Koran votive candles…

    I may hold a fire sale.

    There, a fire sale. my Thanks Mrs. Poppet. Talking with you is always inspirational.


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