CNN Anchor: Is “Lock her Up” Chant Hate Speech? – IOTW Report

CNN Anchor: Is “Lock her Up” Chant Hate Speech?

Dan Bongino: CNN journalist Christiane Amanpour is wondering if the ever-popular “lock her up” chant about Hillary Clinton should be considered “hate speech.”

In a wide-ranging interview with disgraced former FBI Director James Comey which aired yesterday, Amanpour asked if he wished the FBI could have “shut down” that kind of language.

“Of course ‘lock her up’ was a feature of the 2016 Trump campaign. Do you, in retrospect, wish that people like yourself, the head of the FBI, I mean the people in charge of law and order had shut down that language, that it was dangerous potentially, that it could have created violence, that it was kind of hate speech? Should that have been allowed?”

Comey responded, “That’s not a role for government to play. The beauty of this country is people can say what they want, even if it’s misleading and it’s demagoguery. The people who should have shut it down were Republicans who understand the rule of law and the values that they claim to stand for. Shame on them. But it wasn’t a role for government to play.”  watch

21 Comments on CNN Anchor: Is “Lock her Up” Chant Hate Speech?

  1. Anampour exemplifies the Leftist media elitism that presupposes that they have a monopoly on virtue and that those who do not share their views should have their voices squashed and in some cases they should be punished by the government (but only when it is run by the Left).

  2. Other than Israelis, most people from the middle eastern countries have no appreciation of free speech or any other freedom. It’s the land of tyranny and despots. She is no different than the rest.

    The entire area is full of people ignorant of freedom. After establishing the world’s first civilization, they have fallen far.

  3. Hello, oops.
    I apologize for saying Hello,, Christine I know better, I mean you being a non-US citizen like humm, John Oliver, James Cordon, Jim Jeffries, Trevor Noah (Colbert’s butt boy) and being a ungrateful talent-less self-deluded pretend journalist who’s own country see’s right through your bullshit and you cannot make a penny in. What else to do for paycheck? Only trolls America for personal profit.
    You know what really is “Hate Speech” Christine?


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