CNN Anchor Stunned When Obama’s China Ambassador Made Outrageous Nazi Claim – IOTW Report

CNN Anchor Stunned When Obama’s China Ambassador Made Outrageous Nazi Claim

Western Journal: It takes a practiced vulgarian to make a sailor blush. Likewise, it takes a truly outrageous remark by an Obama administration official to dumbfound a CNN anchor.

Max Baucus, once Obama’s ambassador to China, is just such a man.

11 Comments on CNN Anchor Stunned When Obama’s China Ambassador Made Outrageous Nazi Claim

  1. this is another d’rat vile POS … can any one of these crapweasels point to any real examples of PDT’s Nazism?

    & follow the money … always follow the money … especially w/ the d’rat sell-outs
    … the biggest whores in the world

  2. @Jethro ~ Kali locust infestation

    once they ruin Montana (& Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Va, NC, etc., etc., etc …) they’ll migrate to more sane areas & ruin those too

    it’s what they do … they can’t change their nature, they just want to change ours

  3. Whatever they accuse you of, THEY are guilty of.

    We’ve had the RED SCARE since 2016, and China is blood-red Communist and a threat to their people and the world, so OF COURSE it makes sense to accuse Trump of a RED SCARE, even though they are guilty of it, and are bootlicking supporters of the Reds.

    Secede physically, in your mind, and in your ears, nothing these people say is of any value at all.

  4. Mux Bogus, as I call “him”, is a child of MT privilege. I know classmates of his from HS and know a man who was a friend of one or more of his teachers. All describe him, too kindly, as not being the sharpest tool in the shed or the brightest bulb in the drawer. But he was cunning enough to parlay elitist sociopathy into high and lucrative office and play happily on the gullibility of the MT voter, whether congenital (d) or not. When he was appointed Ambassador to China, I figured that the Chinese would eat his breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Looks like I was correct although they’ve probably paid him VERY well to be a compliant tool. He’s an embarrassment to the State. Sadly, we’ve been electing a lot of those recently and there are plenty of (d) embarrassments waiting in the wings. I hope this crap from Bogus hurts gov. bollocks in addition to his prolonged BS shutdown of the State come November.

  5. The ultimate give a way that someone is a communist is when they call anyone who disagrees with them a “nazi” or “fascist”. It’s as predictable as the sunrise.


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