CNN Announces New Additions: Mia Love, Luis Gutierrez – IOTW Report

CNN Announces New Additions: Mia Love, Luis Gutierrez

CNN Announces New Additions Mia Love, Luis Gutierrez — Say They Could Make Shutdown Deal if Still in Office.

Breitbart: Monday, CNN’s “New Day” introduced former Reps. Mia Love (R-UT) and Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) as new political commentators for the network.

The two discussed the continued partial government shutdown, which “New Day” host John Berman suggested that if both Love and Gutierrez were still in Congress, they would work to get a deal done to end it.

“We would get it done,” Love declared.

“This thing was set to fail right when it started,” she continued. “You have people in a room. You have a president that says if you don’t give me a wall, I will own the shutdown. I thought the Democrats were like, ‘Great, take it. Deal done,’ because it was just, we don’t have to give you a wall, and you’re going to own a shutdown. There was no leverage. There was nothing that would even set the precedent for a really good deal or compromise in Congress. In the House, we actually had a good comprehensive bill that had a border wall, it had border security, it had helping people at the borders, helping families stay together at the borders, had a fix for DACA, which is something that we have worked on together as the daughter of parents who immigrated to this country — this is something that has been very important to me and getting Republicans to come along with that. We actually had a really good comprehensive bill that we couldn’t get through. And so it was just really frustrating to me because we’re leaving everything in the hands of the administration. That’s where it shouldn’t be. Whenever you consolidate too much power in the White House, it’s doomed to just fail.”

Gutierrez stated, “I think [Democrats] should continue to maintain their current posture until this administration comes forward and says, ‘You want to do something comprehensive, here’s our comprehensive.’ Not this, ‘Oh, we’re going to go from concrete to steel.’ What I want to do is to go from this cruelty to a little bit of humanity versus our immigrant community.”  WATCH

24 Comments on CNN Announces New Additions: Mia Love, Luis Gutierrez

  1. Mia Love is not an intellectual powerhouse, therefore she is a perfect fit for CNN. She is ambitious, so she will no doubt be the “conservative voice” who consistently supports the Left.

    She is also a committed nevertrumper of the worst kind. Ironically, she was not supported by Bro. Mitt or the Utah Republican elite in the campaign, which led me to believe that they were paying Ben McAdams off for facilitating relocation and closure of the downtown homeless shelters, Operation Rio Grande, relocation of the State Prison, and the highly questionable Inland Port scheme (scam) — and most importantly, he would be one more seat toward a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives.

    Never trust a nevertrumper.

  2. Mia Love started out as a conservative and quickly sold out to the establishment RINO globalists.
    Her and the toxic chihuahua aren’t my idea of something to watch.

  3. Well it didn’t take long for Love to whore herself out. I remember it wasn’t so long ago that she was a conservative hope as a black woman who actually saw reality. First she RINO’d then she sold herself to be CNN’s resident black fake-conservative. I’ll bet her scripted opinions will start to get more and more rabidly anti-trump/anti-conservative as the weeks go by.

  4. When I was living in Utah I NEVER trusted or voted for Love. Looks like my gut was telling the truth. Being Mormon doesn’t mean you are not a socialist, progressive, piece of shit. CNN deserves these two polyps.


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