CNN announces that Trump is preparing a national emergency declaration and has identified $7 billion to use for border wall – IOTW Report

CNN announces that Trump is preparing a national emergency declaration and has identified $7 billion to use for border wall

American Thinker: CNN provides a reminder that the president holds an eponymous trump card when it comes to national security with a report that documents have already been drafted to enable a declaration of a national emergency and construction of a border wall.

Priscilla Alvarez and Tammy Kupperman write:

The White House is preparing a draft proclamation for President Donald Trump to declare a national emergency along the southern border and has identified more than $7 billion in potential funds for his signature border wall should he go that route, according to internal documents reviewed by CNN. … [W]hile Trump’s advisers remain divided on the issue, the White House has been moving forward with alternative plans that would bypass Congress.

This has the ring of truth.  It would be shocking if it were not true, actually, since contingencies must be planned for in advance, even unlikely ones.  The only question I have is, who leaked the confidential documents?   MORE

16 Comments on CNN announces that Trump is preparing a national emergency declaration and has identified $7 billion to use for border wall

  1. I’m sorry, but I won’t be rejoicing until it happens.

    After all, this is CNN. CNN. Remember them? It may be true, but they have a reason for blabbing this and it ain’t good.

  2. Anonymous sources have been proven to be highly unreliable (at best) ever since Trump first began his campaign.

    In any event, a a declaration like that would (de facto) need court permission to carry out and it is unlikely that it will be given anytime soon.

  3. This is my thought today (for what is worth). Who else is fighting for us, who? This man is being attacked (literally and figuratively) from multi sources everyday as well as his friends, family, and staff–they never ever let up and he is still fighting for us. Am I disappointed, yes, but I believe he is still is fighting. We need to be there for him for a while longer.

  4. Don’t really G.A.S. about CNN, but all that matters is:

    Wait out 3 weeks of kabuki/drama in the House.
    After months of compromises and offers, and NO budging from Dems,
    Trump, looking eminently reasonable and patient, says, “enough!” and
    finally declares a National Emergency, signs an Executive Order
    and we get rolling WITH PUBLIC SUPPORT.

    Don’t think so? I heard National Review would *love* to hear from you.

  5. Gonna be the “Debby downer” here and say that nothing will happen. Trump is a businessman, not a Statesman. He doesn’t have the appetite for the dirty work that needs to be done to “purify” the Government. Nobody does. That’s because what is truly needed flies in the face of everything that “we stand for”.
    What we need is an absolute Dictatorship with a declaration of Martial Law. After the “purge & frogmarching” we can hold new elections.
    Question is, would the “III %” be willing to standby and watch? If so, it may be gut check time. If not, does our existence mean anything if we let it happen?

    Back to the point, the Gov will open and the sham will continue. 3 weeks will go by and we will still be hoping that those Clinton indictments are right around the corner, just like the left is hoping impeachment is so close.
    This is as they say “a nothing burger”

  6. Nothing ordered, nothing gained. If this is Trump winning; then what a bummer. All talk and twitter, but no mandated action. TrumpyBear is a figurehead loser being aggressively controlled so he cannot actually act with Presidential power!! Falsely elected on a corrupt thinktank platform of lies? MAGA is being proven a worthless slogan.

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