CNN: Avenatti Found R. Kelly’s Underage Sex Tape, and We Watched It – IOTW Report

CNN: Avenatti Found R. Kelly’s Underage Sex Tape, and We Watched It

Newsbusters: On Thursday, CNN broke an incredibly startling claim by Michael Avenatti, the former lawyer of adult film star Stormy Daniels, who claimed to possess a tape of R&B singer R. Kelly engaging in sexual acts with an underage girl. Perhaps equally surprisingly, CNN host Ana Cabrera claimed some at her network had watched the tape, though she offered no explanation as to how the network had access to it. Cabrera also did not mention the LA Times’s reporting from earlier that day that Avenatti would be relinquishing control of his law firm after being accused of illegally concealing millions of dollars.

During the segment, which aired on the 2:00 p.m. Eastern hour of CNN Newsroom, a chyron ran at the bottom of the screen which read, “CNN has viewed tape, which attorney says he turned over to authorities.”

If Avenatti’s story, relayed secondhand through the cable network, is to be believed, then he certainly did the right thing by turning the tape over to the police. But neither Cabrera nor her panelists bothered to address the two most pressing questions that their reporting raised:

How did Avenatti acquire this tape – which, according to him, contained child pornography – and who had shared it with CNN?  MORE


10 Comments on CNN: Avenatti Found R. Kelly’s Underage Sex Tape, and We Watched It

  1. Well let’s see. Avanatti is in serious financial trouble. He says he has the R. Kelly sex tape. CNN suddenly, at the same time, somehow acquires a copy of the R. Kelly sex tape.

    Nope, I can’t figure out how CNN got it. Somebody call Columbo.

  2. @stop2think: “I thought even viewing child porn was a felony.”
    possession and distribution certainly are, and it reads like that is what he did.

    @MJA: “CreepyPL claims he gave it to the chicago pd.”
    I hope they wiped it off with some of the bleach they never found.
    and I hope cnn didn’t

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