CNN Bans Chris Cuomo from Covering Brother’s Cover-Up as Criminal Probe Launched – IOTW Report

CNN Bans Chris Cuomo from Covering Brother’s Cover-Up as Criminal Probe Launched

Neon Nettle:

Establishment media outlet CNN has banned leftists opinion host Chris Cuomo from interviewing his brother who is currently facing a massive criminal investigation into the alleged cover-up of nursing home deaths in New York.

CNN said the foloowing in a statement:

“The early months of the pandemic crisis were an extraordinary time.”

“We felt that Chris speaking with his brother about the challenges of what millions of American families were struggling with was of significant human interest.”

“As a result, we made an exception to a rule that we have had in place since 2013, which prevents Chris from interviewing and covering his brother, and that rule remains in place today. CNN has covered the news surrounding Governor Cuomo extensively.” read more

13 Comments on CNN Bans Chris Cuomo from Covering Brother’s Cover-Up as Criminal Probe Launched

  1. What? A faint spark of journalistic integrity at CNN?

    Yes, I know that the people at CNN who do interview the Governor will act more like cheerleaders than journalists, but at least CNN recognizes that they have to try and appear neutral, not like ABC having an official from the Clinton administration host a news program.

  2. He fell on the sword for the Democrat party so he could blame everything on Trump. Hope it was worth it to you, you murderer. Then again, the Justice Department is doing the investigation, so you’ll probably skate.

  3. I am amused that they had a rule, which they broke because of the “human interest story line”.

    They are at least being honest that it was not news, never about news, only a “human interest story”, like “cat is mother to a litter of mice” or “dolphin swims with shark”. Pure unadulterated fluff for cotton candy minds.

  4. Chris Cuomo has the most punchable face of any man on this planet. Or any other planet, for that manner. His moron brother is like a discarded extra from the set of The Godfather.

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