CNN Brings On Furloughed Federal Workers Who Reveal They Support Trump & Border Wall – IOTW Report

CNN Brings On Furloughed Federal Workers Who Reveal They Support Trump & Border Wall

Federal law enforcement officers Charles and Jill Gilbert, who did not receive paychecks during the government shutdown, say they support President Trump’s efforts to fund his border wall.


10 Comments on CNN Brings On Furloughed Federal Workers Who Reveal They Support Trump & Border Wall

  1. In full disclosure, I am an Essential Fed employee who worked thru the shutdown without receiving a paycheck. There are a lot of Feds who work far away from the swamps of DC who are like me and want a Border Wall as mandated by the Secure Fence act of 2006.

  2. Well, I’m glad you are “essential,” Jarhead. that says something. I’m sad Trump did not have an opportunity to RIF (Reduction in Force) all the useless, overpaid, “resistance” SES folk. “Essentials” are good folk. ….Lady in Red

  3. Mrs. Guevara is considered essential and not getting paid but we know the score, obviously, and who is responsible despite all media narrative building to the contrary.

    If Trump could have done one thing better, it would have been not to say that he would be glad to shut it down and own it. That gave them all the cover they needed to dig in.

    Believe it and act on it but don’t come out and say it. Smile, nod your head and do whatever the fuck you were going to do anyway.

  4. I hope Trump has his ducks in a row and is ready to go when the hudna ends.

    And Justice Roberts, should it come down to you, please be a federal employee who supports building a wall.

  5. There are more federal employees than you would expect who are conservative and who support our president, it’s just that they happen to be normal people and leftists are always loud, abusive, and strident, so they tend to get all of the attention.

  6. I had a friend text on Friday morning freaked out that they were saying on her CA am radio that they would have to shut down airports because of Trump. I told her exactly what these two said, this is optics to put the pressure on Trump, airports in democrat strongholds and if some airport inconvenience that is only hitting a small segment of the population (including myself as I travel for a living) then we might as well stick a fork in America and be done with it. Why is it that those of us dealing with the ‘inconvenience’ are the ones that understand why it is important to do so? The country is at stake. And these are the people that are not going to take the democrat gloating, the immediate ‘we’ll never fund a wall’, and Pelosi saying haha still no SOTU to Trump well.


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